2018年7月16日 星期一

2018 07 16 左永安顧問 EMBA 在最根本的經濟層次上,商業模式(business model)就是能讓一個組織獲得財務支撐以持續運作的邏輯。在最根本的經濟層次上,商業模式就是能讓組織獲得財務支撐以持續運作的邏輯。這個詞原本是用在企業,不過,我們希望你能先將自己視為一人公司,我們再提供方法幫你定義並修正個人的商業模式,讓你在無論是個人或是職業生涯上都有所成長。

在最根本的經濟層次上,商業模式(business model)就是能讓一個組織獲得財務支撐以持續運作的邏輯。
如同字面解釋,這個詞彙原本是用在一般企業,不過,在我們的設定裡,希望你能先將自己視為「一人公司」,然後我們會提供你一個方法,幫你定義並修正 「個人的商業模式」,也就是充分運用你的長處和天賦,讓你在無論是個人或是職業生涯上都有所成長。


  • 在個人的商業模式中,關鍵資源通常就是你自己;但在企業裡,關鍵資源的領域通常涵蓋較廣,例如包含其他的工作者。
  • 在個人的商業模式裡,通常會將某些無法量化的「軟」成本(例如壓力)及「軟」收益(例如成就感)列入考量;而在企業組織裡,商業模式通常只考慮金錢層面的成本和收益。










在這項中,我們要談的是商業術語「行銷流程」(Marketing Process)的五個階段。要描述這五個階段,最恰當的方式是詢問以下問題:
  1. 潛在顧客如何發現你能如何幫他們?
  2. 他們如何決定是否要購買你的服務?
  3. 他們將會用何種方式購買?
  4. 你將如何遞交顧客所購買的服務或商品?
  5. 你將如何追蹤以確保顧客滿意?
想要定義通路,最直接的方式就是問問你自己:你要 「如何遞交」 顧客所購買的服務或產品,但就如同上述的五個階段所呈現,更有趣且重要的議題是:如何讓潛在顧客知道你這個人,以及你的價值主張?是口耳相傳?網頁或部落格?文章或演講?電話拜訪?電子郵件或線上論壇?還是廣告?








  • 訓練費或訂閱費
  • 通勤、旅行或社交支出
  • 車輛、工具或專業工作服
  • 在家或在客戶端工作時所產生的網路、電話、交通、水電等費用


姓名:克莉絲.伯恩斯(Chris Burns)
克莉絲(Chris Burns)是個新聞工作者,有扎實的訓練及媒體經驗,她一直在觀察傳統出版業的商業模式一路衰敗。當她被資遣時,她已經在念博士班。

2018年7月14日 星期六

2018 07 14 左永安顧問 EMBA 107年度職能分析(五級)認證課程 麵包師職能分析專案報告 臺北市政府 柯文哲市長、勞動局 賴香伶局長:大台北烘烤王 展創新獻技藝 臺北市職能發展學院與台北市糕餅業職業工會於6月24日上午9時至下午5時,假該院合辦「2017 大台北烘烤王多元創意競賽」。現場精彩的閉幕儀式有明道國小的扯鈴表演、古莊社區發展協會合唱圈,以及祥獅獻瑞。靜態展區有創意翻糖作品,亦有美味饗宴供來賓品嚐。台北市糕餅業職業工會吳宗雄理事長表示,很高興能夠舉辦「2017 大台北烘烤王多元創意競賽」,提供這樣的比賽機會,讓基層勞工朋友們,透過競賽互相觀摩學習,切磋技藝。除了臺北市政府勞動局局長賴香伶於競賽開始前至會場為參賽選手加油打氣,勞動部勞動力發展署署長黃秋桂、新北市勞工局局長謝政達、臺北市郭昭巖議員及王閔生議員,以及50 家以上工會的理事長,都前來現場一同為選手加油。冠軍隊伍為是由陳建宏老師帶領的學生們,楊欣怡、徐千慧、及許水謙。擔任本次競賽的主審臺北市職能發展學院的趙利華訓練師表示,本次參賽選手水準很高、有工作室的老板、飯店的師傅及學校老師等,組隊來參賽,產品口成上呈現豐富多樣化,外觀造型和色彩搭配獨樹一格展現新意。

臺北市政府 柯文哲市長、勞動局 賴香伶局長:大台北烘烤王 展創新獻技藝

臺北市職能發展學院與台北市糕餅業職業工會於6月24日上午9時至下午5時,假該院合辦「2017 大台北烘烤王多元創意競賽」。現場精彩的閉幕儀式有明道國小的扯鈴表演、古莊社區發展協會合唱圈,以及祥獅獻瑞。靜態展區有創意翻糖作品,亦有美味饗宴供來賓品嚐。

      台北市糕餅業職業工會吳宗雄理事長表示,很高興能夠舉辦「2017 大台北烘烤王多元創意競賽」,提供這樣的比賽機會,讓基層勞工朋友們,透過競賽互相觀摩學習,切磋技藝。除了臺北市政府勞動局局長賴香伶於競賽開始前至會場為參賽選手加油打氣,勞動部勞動力發展署署長黃秋桂、新北市勞工局局長謝政達、臺北市郭昭巖議員及王閔生議員,以及50 家以上工會的理事長,都前來現場一同為選手加油。期許帶領更多同業參與及投入糕餅、烘焙界,發揮專業影響。

2018年7月9日 星期一

2018 07 09 左永安顧問 EMBA 精準訓練 POWER SKILL Hardiness and Grit Why are some people successful in achieving their goals in life?

Hardiness and Grit

Why are some people successful in achieving their goals in life?

Posted Apr 20, 2017
As a psychotherapist and researcher, I have long been interested in understanding why some people seem to be successful in achieving their goals in life and others struggle or fail. Why, for example, do some people who seem to be intelligent and talented not accomplish as much as others who appear to be less intelligent and/or minimally talented?
El Nariz/Shutterstock
Source: El Nariz/Shutterstock
My doctoral dissertation was a research study of social work clinicians who had decided to become administrators in addition to or instead of continuing only as direct service providers of mental health services. In the course of my work I discovered the concept of the "hardy personality" (“hardiness”) which was developed by Suzanne C. Kobasa and Salvadore Maddi. They described this personality as demonstrating three essential components: commitment, control, and challenge.
Commitment refers to one's ability to believe in the truth, importance, and interest value of who one is and what one is doing which results in a tendency to involve oneself fully in the many aspects of life, including work, family, and interpersonal relationships.
Control refers to the propensity to believe and act as if one can influence the course of events in his/her life. It involves the possession of a coping repertoire that enables such people to act effectively on their own and interpret and incorporate various life experiences, transforming these into something manageable and beneficial.
Challenge is based on the belief that change, rather than sameness or predictability, is the norm. These are people more likely to thrive under the circumstances of a new challenge or opportunity brought about by a new endeavor.
The clinician-turned-administrators in my study who scored high on the hardiness measures tended to have much more successful and less stressful transitions than those who were less "hardy." My research investigated the various attributes and positive personality characteristics that promoted the more successful transitions. These included a record of high achievement, success, and professional advancement. High self-esteem, enjoying a challenge, being a risk-taker, being entrepreneurial, and being motivated and ambitious were listed as well.
Many successful transition-makers reported that they were not afraid to make mistakes, had good people skills, and tended not to be passive in their personal and professional lives. Hardy people are those who turn stressful life experiences into opportunities for personal and professional growth. The seek and value change, rather than finding ways to avoid it. They believe that change, rather than sameness or predictability, is the norm. The hardy person is also characterized by such qualities as resourcefulness, innovativeness, creativity, and as someone who can emerge victorious under conditions of stress and uncertainty.
In her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, author Angela Duckworth identifies a psychological trait she calls grit. The combination of passion, having an enduring interest in the job one is doing, and perseverance, being persistent and never giving up, are the two components that, in her view, help us better understand the psychology of achievement. She believes we have a tendency to overemphasize talent or natural ability and underemphasize the importance of zeal, determination, and motivation. We also tend to see intelligence as key in explaining success and achievement, which while true to some extent, is far from the only factor involved. She has studied why some individuals accomplish more than others who are of equal intelligence, and discovered that grit, unlike many traditional measures of performance, is not tied to intelligence and may explain why some very intelligent individuals do not consistently perform well over long periods.
Duckworth discussed the four psychological assets that gritty people have in common. These are interest, practice, purpose, and hope.
By interest she means that one must be passionate about something that interests them the most. The grittiest people have something they love to do.
Practice requires them to do things that interest them better than they did yesterday. They must be ready to improve on their skills, regardless of how excellent they currently perform. Challenging themselves to an exercise that exceeds their skill level leads to mastery.
Without purpose, one may not be able to carry on their interest for a long time. Hence it is essential to identify how their work is connected to their own well-being as well as the wellbeing of others.
Hope helps us see our ultimate concern through to the end. Grit loses when we are unable to get back up after a setback. But when we get back up, it prevails.
As can be seen, these concepts are both different and similar in certain ways. Both tend to value the importance of commitment and the positive management of challenges. They both address the issue that these traits are not necessarily inborn and can be developed under the right conditions. These researchers are also in agreement that the performance of certain behaviors can have a fundamental impact on an individual's level of success. How then, if one is not particularly "hardy" or does not seem to go about accomplishing their goals with the qualities associated with "grit," is it possible to become "hardier" and "grittier?"
Kobasa and Maddi believe that hardiness can be developed over time by emphasizing the need to help people develop better ways of coping with stress as well as helping them not to generate stress however possible. They both believe that the development of hardiness can be strengthened by child-rearing practices designed to help children see themselves and the world as interesting, worthwhile, and satisfying, thus preventing them from viewing themselves and the world as dull, meaningless, and frustrating. This difference may well result from the overall degree to which the interactions they had with their parents were supportive, facilitating satisfaction, and providing encouragement and acceptance.
Counseling for hardiness is the other way that the characteristics of commitment, control, and challenge can be learned and instilled, assuming that the unproductive behaviors of a "non-hardy" past can be broken. Cognitive-based therapies may be central in helping people become hardier, but it is a complex undertaking that requires a good deal of time and effort to achieve in a durable way. One might argue that any therapy has as an implicit objective to help the individual acquire the characteristics associated with hardiness as discussed above.
What about helping people to become "grittier?" Researcher Carol Dweck suggests that all of us possess either a fixed or a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve their grades, learn new skills, and achieve their goals in general if they try hard enough. People with a fixed mindset do not think that they have the ability to improve and, as a result, are more inclined to give up whatever they are trying to accomplish when they face difficulty and get frustrated. This is consistent with our general understanding of the differences between optimists, who handle life's challenges very differently than pessimists, who tend to be less happy, less accomplished, and suffer more.
Like the developers of 'hardiness,' Duckworth emphasizes the importance of child-rearing practices designed to foster interest, purpose, and hope in children that will support the likelihood of them becoming adults who will have a greater capacity to persevere and develop passion, i.e. become 'grittier.' Strong parental role models who demonstrate the characteristics associated with grit are vitally important to the developing child who will emulate his parents.
Here, too, any counseling or psychotherapy strives to help people acquire or strengthen 'hardy' or 'gritty' qualities. A focus on being better able to cope with stress, develop greater resilience, have a positive outlook, and develop or strengthen already existing qualities like passion and perseverance are most helpful in this effort.
One of the things I emphasize in my work with patients is to help develop the belief that one can learn to handle most of the difficult challenges and stressors that occur in everyday life. This includes coping with failure and doing whatever is possible to achieve success in its place. Working with this focus often shifts a person's point of view about what might be possible for them which increases optimism and, therefore, the motivation to work toward change and achieve their therapeutic goals.

2018年7月6日 星期五

Negotiating the Impossible: How to Break Deadlocks and Resolve Ugly Conflicts (without Money or Muscle)

by Deepak Malhotra

2018 07 06 左永安顧問 台大 師大 EMBA 左記歐洲商行 安永經營管理顧問 社團法人中華中小企業經營輔導專家協會 台北市酒類商業同業公會 精準訓練 Precise Training 麥肯錫解決問題7步驟 解決問題的不是與生俱來的天賦,而是可以透過自我訓練培養而成,你也能像麥肯錫人一樣,倍速解決問題。MECE(發音為me-see) 將某件事或概念當成母集合(整體)思考,分成彼此獨立、互無遺漏(MECE,Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)的子集合(部分)。












將某件事或概念當成母集合(整體)思考,分成彼此獨立、互無遺漏(MECE,Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)的子集合(部分)。


  1. 結論就是問題(主題)的答案。
  2. 縱向原則:自上而下形成「為什麼如此?」(Why so?)的關係。相反地,由下往上則為「然後造成什麼結果?」(So what?)的連結。
  3. 橫向原則:左右同層同組的要素之間,形成彼此獨立、互無遺漏(MECE,Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)。


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