逾5成經理人認為 ,讀EMBA有助升遷或創業機會
境外專班仍有吸引力 兩岸雙聯學位降溫
2015年經理人最想就讀與評價最高的EMBA,前十名分別是台灣大學、政治大學、台灣科技大學、交通大學、台北科技大學、成功大學、中山大學、中央大學、清華大學及逢甲大學(表1)。台、政大繼續穩坐冠亞軍,區域性和在地產業聚落互動緊密的學校,如中央、逢甲也進入前10名。技職體系的EMBA學校表現亦不錯,台灣科技大學的得票率高居第3。台北科技大學雖然得票率較低,顯示選擇的經理人較為小眾,但是給分甚高,讓台北科技大學擠進Top 5。
今年在總排名裡新進榜的學校,中央大學與逢甲大學,分別從去年的第12名上升至第8名,逢甲大學更是首度進入Top 10,也顯示出,EMBA在地化經營的績效有所斬獲。
技職體系EMBA受青睞 產業緊密結合實務強
在總排名中也發現,技職體系的學校表現出色。無論是台灣科技大學或台北科技大學,都進入TOP 5。10項評價指標上,特別在所處產業口碑、與產業緊密結合、具有實務、實作能力上,備受經理人推崇。可以看出,經理人就讀EMBA越來越重視產學結合,期望能將所學實際運用,解決產業問題為重要目標(表2)。
台政大具跨區域品牌吸引力 各校精耕個別產業 開拓中小企業需求
境外專班魅力不減 兩岸雙聯學位卻降溫
表1:2015年度3000大企業經理人最想就讀與最推薦EMBA Top10
表2:3000大企業經理人最愛EMBA TOP10之選校評價10項評比分數表
表3:各地區經理人最愛Top 5
你就讀EMBA最大收獲?(可複選3項) (%)
11月12日淩晨,阿里巴巴總部的數據中心公布了整個雙十一的交易額為571億元人民幣,無線占比為42.6%。去年雙十一總交易額為362億元, 無線占比23%。
2014 05 22 策略管理
Apple Inc in 2010 and answer the following questions:
1.How does Apple compete in the PC market? How has its strategy evolved with the changing industry dynamics?
2.Assess Apple’s competitive position in MP3 players and smartphones? What threats do you see?
3.What challenges confront Apple at the end of the case?
4.Was Steve Jobs an effective strategic leader? Since his departure what has happened to Apple?
5.submit your responses to the Weekly Assignment Folder:
2012年5月12日 與台灣大學 管理學院 院長 郭瑞祥教授 及 同學們合影
第八屆 理事長:左永安
論文 題目 選擇
1. 應用 卓越經營管理模式 連結 人力財務資本 績效指標 Talent financial Capital
Saving people money so they can live better
Walmart helps people around the world save money and live better -- anytime and anywhere -- in retail stores, online and through their mobile devices. Each week, more than 245 million customers and members visit our 11,000 stores under 69 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 10 countries. With fiscal year 2013 sales of approximately $466 billion, Walmart employs 2.2 million associates worldwide.
Find out how innovative thinking, leadership through service, and above all, our commitment to saving people money so they can live better have made us the business we are today and are shaping the company we will be tomorrow.
日經MJ (2006.05)。
古世豪(2006)。台灣3C零售業經營及收入模式之研究 - 以燦坤3C及全國電子為例。 資訊管理研究所碩士論文。
交銀產業調查與技術季刊第135 期,交銀徵信處。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、劉淑君(2005)。 全家便利商店的收入及獲利模式之探討。 2005年21世紀管理理論與實務研討會, pp.論文集光碟,大葉大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、劉淑君(2005)。 全家便利商店經營模式之研究。 2005管理與創意研討會, pp.論文集光碟,實踐大學高雄校區。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、王麗玲(2004)。 零售商店危機管理之研究。 2004危機管理學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,立德管理學院。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。大潤發的經營模式分析。管理發展與前瞻學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,中央大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。家樂福的經營模式分析。 2004年21世紀管理理論與實務研討會, pp.論文集光碟,大葉大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。 台灣量販店的經營績效分析。第一屆服務業管理與創新學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,澎湖技術學院。
高仁君、藍美貞譯(2001)。企業e 化八原型(初版)。台北市:藍鯨.
許英傑(1996)。探索零售業的經營策略,戰略生產力雜誌482期, p. 41-50。
張保隆、伍忠賢。零售業個案分析(2005)。p. 222~239,全華科技圖書股份有限公司。
羅安娜,Diana Lo(2005)。沃爾瑪傳奇。台北:維德文化。
EMBA 世界經理文摘第 213 期 。
Daugherty, R. (1993). New approach to retail signals strong future for point of purchase displays. Paperboard Packaging, pp. 24-27.
John S. Baen(2000)The Effect of Technology on Retail Sales, Commercial Property Values and Percentage Rents, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol.6, No. 2, p. 185-201.
Lewison, M. D. (1991). Retailing. New York: Macmillan.
Longo, D. (1994). New generation of exec''s leads Wal-Mart into the next century. Discount Store News, pp. 45-47.
Patric Hendershott et al.(2000).Will the Internet Reduce the Demand for the Mall Space?, Real Estate Finance, Vol.17 Iss.1.
PNA/Island Aerie Internet Productions (1995/1996). Us against the Wal. Gig Harbor, Washington: Peninsula
Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson(2001). e-Business 2.0. (2nd ed.). United States:Canada.
Saporito, B. (1994, May). And the winner is still . . . Wal-Mart. Fortune, pp. 62-68.
Slezak, M. (1993). Seeds of "environmental store" planted in 1989. Discount Stores Inc., pp. 25-27.
Stalk, G., Evans, P., Shulman, L. (1992, March-April). Competing on capabilities: the new rules of corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review, pp. 55-70.
Thompson, A. A., Jr. & Strickland, A.J. III. (1995). Strategic management concepts and cases (8th ed.). Chicago: Irwin.
Trimble, V. H. (1990). Sam Walton: The inside story of America''s richest man. New York: Dutton.
Vance, S., & Scott, S. (1994). Wal-Mart: a history of Sam Walton''s retail phenomenon. New York: Twayne.
Verdisco, R. J. (1994, October). Superstores and Smallness. Discount Merchandiser, p. 8.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (1995). The story of Wal-Mart. Bentonville, Arkansas: Corporate Offices of Wal- Mart Stores, Inc.
Wal-Mart Annual Report, 1994∼2006
Business Horizons (2005) 48, 11—21,Rejuvenating Wal-Mart’s reputation.
2.陳彥淳(2003 年4 月7 日),消費導向銷售通路大變革,工商時報,2003/04/17,取自:http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/newlist/。
3.許英傑、黃慧玲(2004 年4 月),零售品牌傳遞消費價值,http://www.tcfa.org.tw/main/,2004/05/02。
7.“傳威名百貨有意收購家樂福 工會強力反對”, http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/5/8/23/n1028084.htm, 2005/8/23。
8.“抗拒工會組織的沃爾瑪在中國面臨難題”, http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/5/15/n1318535.htm, 2006/5/15。
9.“無線射頻識別技術改變生活”, http://www.stdaily.com/big5/stdaily/2005-08/11/content_420449.htm。
10.Carrefour Annual Report 2006,http://carrefour.com。
11.Neighborhood Association. vailable,http://www.harbornet.com/pna/.
12.Tesco Annual Report 2006,http://tescostores.com。
13.Wal-Mart Annual Report 2006, http://walmartstores.com
日經MJ (2006.05)。
古世豪(2006)。台灣3C零售業經營及收入模式之研究 - 以燦坤3C及全國電子為例。 資訊管理研究所碩士論文。
交銀產業調查與技術季刊第135 期,交銀徵信處。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、劉淑君(2005)。 全家便利商店的收入及獲利模式之探討。 2005年21世紀管理理論與實務研討會, pp.論文集光碟,大葉大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、劉淑君(2005)。 全家便利商店經營模式之研究。 2005管理與創意研討會, pp.論文集光碟,實踐大學高雄校區。
吳昭彥、黃成忠、王麗玲(2004)。 零售商店危機管理之研究。 2004危機管理學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,立德管理學院。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。大潤發的經營模式分析。管理發展與前瞻學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,中央大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。家樂福的經營模式分析。 2004年21世紀管理理論與實務研討會, pp.論文集光碟,大葉大學。
吳昭彥、黃成忠(2004)。 台灣量販店的經營績效分析。第一屆服務業管理與創新學術研討會, pp.論文集光碟,澎湖技術學院。
高仁君、藍美貞譯(2001)。企業e 化八原型(初版)。台北市:藍鯨.
許英傑(1996)。探索零售業的經營策略,戰略生產力雜誌482期, p. 41-50。
張保隆、伍忠賢。零售業個案分析(2005)。p. 222~239,全華科技圖書股份有限公司。
羅安娜,Diana Lo(2005)。沃爾瑪傳奇。台北:維德文化。
EMBA 世界經理文摘第 213 期 。
Daugherty, R. (1993). New approach to retail signals strong future for point of purchase displays. Paperboard Packaging, pp. 24-27.
John S. Baen(2000)The Effect of Technology on Retail Sales, Commercial Property Values and Percentage Rents, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol.6, No. 2, p. 185-201.
Lewison, M. D. (1991). Retailing. New York: Macmillan.
Longo, D. (1994). New generation of exec''s leads Wal-Mart into the next century. Discount Store News, pp. 45-47.
Patric Hendershott et al.(2000).Will the Internet Reduce the Demand for the Mall Space?, Real Estate Finance, Vol.17 Iss.1.
PNA/Island Aerie Internet Productions (1995/1996). Us against the Wal. Gig Harbor, Washington: Peninsula
Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson(2001). e-Business 2.0. (2nd ed.). United States:Canada.
Saporito, B. (1994, May). And the winner is still . . . Wal-Mart. Fortune, pp. 62-68.
Slezak, M. (1993). Seeds of "environmental store" planted in 1989. Discount Stores Inc., pp. 25-27.
Stalk, G., Evans, P., Shulman, L. (1992, March-April). Competing on capabilities: the new rules of corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review, pp. 55-70.
Thompson, A. A., Jr. & Strickland, A.J. III. (1995). Strategic management concepts and cases (8th ed.). Chicago: Irwin.
Trimble, V. H. (1990). Sam Walton: The inside story of America''s richest man. New York: Dutton.
Vance, S., & Scott, S. (1994). Wal-Mart: a history of Sam Walton''s retail phenomenon. New York: Twayne.
Verdisco, R. J. (1994, October). Superstores and Smallness. Discount Merchandiser, p. 8.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (1995). The story of Wal-Mart. Bentonville, Arkansas: Corporate Offices of Wal- Mart Stores, Inc.
Wal-Mart Annual Report, 1994∼2006
Business Horizons (2005) 48, 11—21,Rejuvenating Wal-Mart’s reputation.
2.陳彥淳(2003 年4 月7 日),消費導向銷售通路大變革,工商時報,2003/04/17,取自:http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/newlist/。
3.許英傑、黃慧玲(2004 年4 月),零售品牌傳遞消費價值,http://www.tcfa.org.tw/main/,2004/05/02。
7.“傳威名百貨有意收購家樂福 工會強力反對”, http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/5/8/23/n1028084.htm, 2005/8/23。
8.“抗拒工會組織的沃爾瑪在中國面臨難題”, http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/5/15/n1318535.htm, 2006/5/15。
9.“無線射頻識別技術改變生活”, http://www.stdaily.com/big5/stdaily/2005-08/11/content_420449.htm。
10.Carrefour Annual Report 2006,http://carrefour.com。
11.Neighborhood Association. vailable,http://www.harbornet.com/pna/.
12.Tesco Annual Report 2006,http://tescostores.com。
13.Wal-Mart Annual Report 2006, http://walmartstores.com
Past Leaders

1981 - 2001
John F. Welch, Jr.
Chairman & CEO 1981 - 2001

1972 - 1981
Reginald H. Jones
Chairman & CEO 1972-1981

1963 - 1972
Fred J. Borch
Chairman & CEO 1967-1972
President & CEO 1963-1967
President & CEO 1963-1967

1961 - 1967
Gerald L. Phillippe
Chairman 1963-1967
President 1961-1963
President 1961-1963

1950 - 1963
Ralph J. Cordiner
Chairman & CEO 1958-1963
President 1950-1958
President 1950-1958

1892 - 1922
Charles A. Coffin
Chairman 1913-1922
President 1892-1912
President 1892-1912
GE's Talent Machine: The Making of a CEO |
GE believes its ability to develop management talent is a core competency that represents a source of sustainable competitive advantage. This case traces the development of GE's rich system of human resource policies and practices under five CEOs in the post-war era, showing how the development of talent is embedded into the company's ongoing management responsibilities. It describes the development of a 25-year-old MBA named Jeff Immelt, who 18 years later is named as CEO of GE, arguably the biggest and most complex corporate leadership job in the world and how he frames his priorities for GE and implements them, pulling hard on the sophisticated human resource levers his predecessors left him. Immelt questions whether he should adjust or even overhaul three elements of GE's finely tuned talent machine.
3m optical systems managing corporate entrepreneurship
Four main responsibilities
•Attract & retain good people
•Build motivation & commitment
•Ensure progress towards objective
•Earn support of top management
Adopted a 4 phased development approach
Drew in experts from various divisions and
did more withless
Continued to support the privacy screen
proposal &another risky project for electronic
display enhancement
2012 11 21
吳照明 (輔仁大學應用美術系助理教授)
鑽石選購,首先重視 6C,雖然在許文章或 DTC 廣告中,強調購買鑽石要 4C,
我認為都是站在珠寶業者立場,如果站在消費者立場,選購鑽石應該是 6C,
(1) 重量克拉 (Carat):
千萬不要購買 1.00 或 1.01 克拉鑽石,將來鑽石受到損傷修改,
重量可能變為 0.99 克拉,價錢可能相差幾萬元新台幣。
(2) 顏色 (Color):
購買鑽石最多爭議就是所謂灌水,顏色如按美國寶石學院,GIA 的標準,
顏色是 I 店家可能會説成 G,顏色增加兩級,在國內商業買賣是很常見,
有些國內外鑑定所顏色灌水,可能超過 3 級以上,
(3) 瑕疵/淨度 (Clarity):
在寶石學中對鑽石瑕疵定義是,寶石學家用 10 倍放大鏡看鑽石內部和表面,
所以全美定義因人不同而有不同的説法,有些國內證書,在瑕疵方面也常會灌水 2-3 級,
(4) 切工 (Cut):
切工是人為來決定,當然要好的切工,3-5 年前臺灣消費者買鑽石切工,
切工要求有 3 個 Excellent,
就是切工分級要 Excellent、拋光要 Excellent、對稱性要 Excellent、
3 Ideal 切工,另外鑽石切成圓明亮型價錢是比大多數花式切工要貴,
(5) 證書 (Certificate):
證書是鑑定所對這鑽石做真假鑑定,是否經過處理 (雷射處理、玻璃充填、HPHT 等處理)
GIA Gemological Institute of America (美國寶石學院)
HRD Hoge Read Voor Diamant 是「比利時鑽石高階議會」
AGS American Gemological Society (美國寶石學會)
EGL European Gemological Laboratory (歐洲寶石鑑定所)
IGI International Gemological Institute (國際寶石學院)
Gem-A The Gemmological Association of Great Britain 英國寶石學會等
(6) 商譽 (Confidence):
是按當初買價,還是按市價 打幾折回收,一般珠寶店大都是不回收,只接受換貨,
血鑽石 翻版 宏達電被點名拒買「爭議礦石」不力
作者: 鉅亨網楊琇羽 綜合報導 | 鉅亨網 – 2012年8月17日 下午4:55電影《血鑽石》海報。(圖片取自維基百科)
礦場-非洲人流血屠宰場 非洲人成智慧手機關鍵原料奴隸
2006 年李奧納多主演的《血鑽石》,主要描寫非洲國家血腥衝突爭戰下,人民被迫採集鑽石,而採集到的鑽石常被游擊隊或軍隊拿來換取軍火進行內戰,造成人民嚴重死傷與無止盡的磨難,電影情節也反映了非洲現實世界。
《CNN》16 日報導,現今在剛果東部,也上演著相似的情節,只不過爭奪對象不是鑽石,而是智慧手機電池裏的關鍵原料-鈳鉭鐵礦(Coltan)、鈷(Cobalt)、與其它稀土金屬。
國際救援委員會(IRC)專家表示,這些「爭議礦石」助漲死亡暴力衝突最炙地區的攻擊火勢,預估 1998 年以來,已有 540 萬人民死於軍團奴役與稀有礦石爭奪戰中,包括採礦環境惡劣與虐待所引發的疾病與營養不良問題。
拒買「爭議礦石」行動不力 台灣宏達電被點名
為遏止爭議礦石交易,國際上也推出類似防堵血鑽石「金百利認證」的乾淨礦石認證。16 日,訴求終結非洲種族衝突與人權危害行為組織 The Enough Project 也發佈一項報告, 顯示爭議礦石交易量確實縮減。
The Enough Project 在報告中指科技公司如英特爾(INTC-US)、惠普(HP-US)、戴爾(DELL-US)、微軟(MSFT-US)、以及蘋果(AAPL-US)的產品供應鍊,在採購稀土原料時,會注意避免買到「爭議礦石」。
The Enough Project 資深政策分析師 Sasha Lezhnev 指出,任天堂對這項議題反應陌然,無意做出改變。
The Enough Project 資深政策分析師 Sasha Lezhnev 指出,任天堂對這項議題反應陌然,無意做出改變。
任天堂在回覆《CNN》的聲明稿中表示,公司所有產品都是外包生產,並未 「直接」 涉入爭議礦石的採購行為。任天堂補充道,公司注重企業社會責任,也期望生產合作夥伴也有同樣的想法。不過任天堂發言人拒絕特別針對爭議礦石發表意見。
在 The Enough Project 最新的拒買爭議礦石企業行動排行榜中,
The Enough Poject 表示,與 2010 年的評價分數相比,上述公司都有出現進步
The Enough Poject 表示,與 2010 年的評價分數相比,上述公司都有出現進步
The Enough Project 表示,由於大企業的節制加上政府立法,過去二年
減幅達 65%。
減幅達 65%。
2010 年,美國推出金融改革法
美國證監會還預計在今年 8 月 22 日針對爭議礦石交易規定進行投票表決
美國證監會還預計在今年 8 月 22 日針對爭議礦石交易規定進行投票表決
The Enough Project 分析師 Lezhnev 表示,
俄羅斯曝秘密鑽石礦 儲量逾兆克拉 夠全球用3000年
鉅亨網編輯查淑妝 台北綜合報導 2012-09-20 08:05
中國日報援引英國《每日郵報》消息,俄羅斯日前公佈了一個 20 世紀 70 年代發現的鑽石礦。該礦位於西伯利亞東部地區的一個直徑超過 100 公里的隕石坑內,儲量估計超過兆克拉,能滿足全球寶石市場 3000 年的需求。
香港文匯網訊報導,科學家們表示,這個被稱為「珀匹蓋」(Popigai) 的隕石坑的歷史超過 3500 萬年,它下面的鑽石儲存量估計是全球其他地區鑽石儲量之和的 10 倍。俄羅斯之前一直隱瞞這個發現,目的是防止鑽石價格被壓垮而損害自己的鑽石業利益。
「珀匹蓋」的鑽石又被稱為「衝擊鑽石」,是類似隕石一樣的物體撞擊現有鑽石礦後形成的產物。它的硬度是普通寶石的 2 倍,因此在工業和科研方面的應用價值特別高。上週末,俄羅斯官員與媒體會面時表示,政府將允許位於該礦附近的新西伯利亞地質與礦物學研究院的科學家揭開這個寶藏神秘的面紗。
新西伯利亞地質與礦物學研究院院長說,新資源可能會對寶石市場產生較大衝擊。「我們說的是數兆克拉,相比而言,為大眾所熟悉的俄羅斯雅庫特鑽石礦的儲量只有 10 億克拉。而且,衝擊鑽石因其獨特的表面和更大的體積,其價值更高。」
俄羅斯的鑽石產量 2007 年達到頂峰,價值 13.5 億美元, 98% 的產品出口至比利時、以色列、美國和東南亞。但因經濟危機影響,其鑽石產量 2009 年跌至谷底,產值僅為 3.5 億美元。目前世界經濟已經出現復甦的跡象,這或許是俄羅斯當局選擇現在公開這個秘密的原因
1871 年南非慶柏利礦區興起新的鑽石挖掘熱潮,當時年僅 18 歲的年輕小夥子羅德士 (Cecil Rhodes) 也隨著哥哥前來尋找機會。雖然那時新礦區的物質條件相當艱困,但羅德士卻相當有生意頭腦,他先是與鄰居合夥做生意,從老家英國運來製冰機賣冰給礦工們消暑,同時也販售抽水機給鑽石開採公司,因此獲得了相當可觀的收益,而賺來的錢則不斷用來購買鑽石礦區的所有權。
De Beers 創辦人羅德士先生
到了 1880 年,他們成立 De Beer 採礦公司 (De Beer Mining Company,De Beer 原是一農場主人的姓氏,後於該農場發現鑽石後以此為礦場名),透過一連串的商業購併擴大事業版圖,1888 年當羅德士擔任 De Beers 聯合礦業公司 (De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited) 董事長時,就已經掌控了南非大多數的重要礦區。
De Beers 壟斷了全球九成的鑽石原石達一世紀之久,並在倫敦建立中央統售機構,來進行原石銷售和市場行銷的工作,每年舉行 10 次的鑑賞會,只賣給少數特約批發商,且編列大筆廣告預算,讓鑽石的價值深植人心,那一句「鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳」的台詞,至今還是深深地讓情侶們擁抱「少了鑽石就不夠愛我」的感覺。而鑽石也在人為控制供應、囤貨的環境之下,維持穩定的價格。
但自 20 世紀末起,De Beers 的市佔率隨著各國新鑽礦的發現,以及自身礦區產量減少而逐漸下滑,非洲血鑽石和亞洲金融風暴等事件也衝擊了鑽石的銷售業績,根據其官方網站的資料,現今 De Beers 的原石產量僅佔全球總額的四成左右,De Beers 面臨了不得不轉型的挑戰。
2001 年,De Beers 宣布與全球最大的精品業者 LVMH 集團合作,各以 50% 的持股成立 De Beers LV,企圖打入消費市場來尋求新的出路,2006 年亦於台北開設第 15 家專賣店,從此 De Beers 不再只是位於產業最上游的供貨商,更是一個需要面對終端消費者的精品零售新品牌。
De Beers 麗晶精品店
Rank by 2007 Oil Equivalent Reserves | Company | Worldwide Liquids Reserves, Million Barrels | Worldwide Natural Gas Reserves, Billion Cubic Feet | Total Reserves in Oil Equivalent Barrels, Million Barrels |
1 | Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Arabia) 3 | 259,900 | 253,800 | 303,285 |
2 | National Iranian Oil Company (Iran) 3 | 138,400 | 948,200 | 300,485 |
3 | Qatar General Petroleum Corporation (Qatar)3 | 15,207 | 905,300 | 169,959 |
4 | Iraq National Oil Company (Iraq) 2,3 | 115,000 | 119,940 | 134,135 |
5 | Petroleos de Venezuela.S.A. (Venezuela) 3 | 99,377 | 170,920 | 128,594 |
6 | Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (UAE) 3 | 92,200 | 198,500 | 126,132 |
7 | Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (Kuwait) 3 | 101,500 | 55,515 | 110,990 |
8 | Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (Nigeria) 3 | 36,220 | 183,990 | 67,671 |
9 | National Oil Company (Libya) 2,3 | 41,464 | 50,100 | 50,028 |
10 | Sonatrach (Algeria) 2,3 | 12,200 | 159,000 | 39,379 |
11 | Gazprom (Russia) | 0 | 171,176 | 29,261 |
12 | OAO Rosneft (Russia) | 17,513 | 25,108 | 21,805 |
13 | PetroChina Co. Ltd. (China) | 11,706 | 57,111 | 21,469 |
14 | Petronas (Malaysia) | 5,360 | 82,992 | 19,547 |
15 | OAO Lukoil (Russia) | 15,715 | 28 | 15,720 |
16 | Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. (Egypt) 2 | 3,700 | 58,500 | 13,700 |
17 | ExxonMobil Corporation (United States) | 7,744 | 32,610 | 13,318 |
18 | Petroleos Mexicanos (Mexico) | 11,048 | 12,578 | 13,198 |
19 | BP Corporation (United Kingdom) | 5,492 | 41,130 | 12,523 |
20 | Petroleo Brasilerio S.A. (Brazil) | 9,613 | 12,547 | 11,578 |
21 | Chevron Corporation (United States) | 7,087 | 22,140 | 10,870 |
22 | Royal Dutch/Shell (Netherlands) | 3,776 | 40,895 | 10,767 |
23 | ConocoPhillips (United States) | 6,320 | 25,438 | 10,668 |
24 | Sonangol (Angola)3 | 9,035 | 9,530 | 10,664 |
25 | Petroleum Development Oman LLC (Oman) | 5,500 | 30,000 | 10,628 |
26 | Total (France) | 5,778 | 25,730 | 10,176 |
27 | Statoil (Norway) | 2,389 | 20,319 | 5,862 |
28 | ENI (Italy) | 3,925 | 11,204 | 5,840 |
29 | Dubai Petroleum Company (United Arab Emirates)2,3 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,684 |
30 | Petroleos de Ecuador (Ecuador)3 | 4,517 | NR | 4,517 |
31 | Pertamina (Indonesia) 3 | 903 | 20,538 | 4,414 |
32 | EnCana Corp. (Canada) | 927 | 13,300 | 3,201 |
33 | Occidental Petroleum Corporation (United States) | 2,228 | 3,843 | 2,885 |
34 | China National Offshore Oil Corp. (China) | 1,490 | 6,232 | 2,555 |
35 | Devon Energy Corporation (United States) | 998 | 8,994 | 2,535 |
36 | Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (United States) | 1,014 | 8,504 | 2,468 |
37 | Repsol YPF (Spain) | 952 | 8,137 | 2,343 |
38 | Canadian Natural Resources (Canada) | 1,358 | 3,666 | 1,985 |
39 | XTO Energy (United States) | 308 | 9,441 | 1,922 |
40 | Ecopetrol (Columbia) | 1,450 | 2,439 | 1,867 |
41 | Chesapeake Energy Corp. (United States) | 124 | 10,137 | 1,856 |
42 | Talisman Energy Ltd. (Canada) | 749 | 5,464 | 1,683 |
43 | Apache Corp. (United States) | 1,134 | 2,446 | 1,552 |
44 | EOG Resources (United States) | 179 | 7,745 | 1,503 |
45 | Romanian National Oil Co. (Romania) 2 | 863 | 3,550 | 1,470 |
46 | BHP Billiton Ltd (Australia) | 565 | 4,727 | 1,373 |
47 | BG Group PLC (United Kingdom) | 393 | 5,572 | 1,345 |
48 | Hess Corp. (United States) | 885 | 2,668 | 1,341 |
49 | Marathon Oil Corp. (United States) | 650 | 3,450 | 1,240 |
50 | Shell Canada Ltd. (Canada) | 808 | 1,400 | 1,047 |
1 Ranked in order of 2007 worldwide oil equivalent reserves as reported in "OGJ 200/100", Oil & Gas Journal, September 15, 2008.
2 Information from Energy Information Administration Country Analysis Briefings.
3 OPEC member
2 Information from Energy Information Administration Country Analysis Briefings.
3 OPEC member
To learn more about the world oil and gas industry, please check out the following PetroStrategies classes:
For more information about the world oil and gas industry, check out the following references:
Fundamentals of Petroleum, Fourth Edition, Kate Van Dyke, Petroleum Extension Service, c 1997.
| |
The Petroleum Industry: A Nontechnical Guide, Charles F. Conaway, Pennwell Publishing.
| |
Oil: Anatomy of an Industry, Matthew Yeomans.
2012 09 19
2012 09 20
20世紀80年代是全球改革的年代,在西方,柴契爾和雷根以激進變革的方式結束了英美國家對市場嚴格管制,政府撤出了管理經濟的制高點,從此,以競爭和開放的自由市場經濟體制主導西方主流的經濟學家的制高點。在東方,鄧小平所推行的漸進式經濟改革創造性把社會主義和市場經濟的概念結合起來,探尋政府和市場的邊界,平穩的在全球經濟一體化的過程中,為中國造就了21世紀的經濟奇跡。一個世紀,人們一直爭論究竟哪種經濟模式讓人類真正受益是市場還是政府主導?目前 ,許多力量正推動著從國家控制到市場控制的轉變。然而,從根本上說,這種轉變還需要信仰和觀念的重塑拋棄傳統的對國家的信仰,走向對市場更大的信心。
葉爾金是一位敏銳的觀察家,對地緣政治、全球化和能源市場三者之間的相互影響有著深刻的理解。他和約瑟夫·斯坦尼斯瓦夫(Joseph Stanislaw)合著的最新力作《制高點:世界經濟之戰》(Commanding
Heights:The Battle for the World Economy),追溯了第一次世界大戰至今的全球化歷程。
Shouldice Hospital Case
2012 04 30 IDEO個案討論
2012 04 09 西南航空個案討論
Southwest Airlines landing in Baltimore
Trials and demos
2012 03 05 Operations management
Operations management
ECBE (The European Council for Business Education)
限制理論(Theory of constrants)係繼傳統MRP式生產與JIT式生產後近幾年興起的生產理論。其理論強調生產系統中所存在之統計波動以及各工作站之間的相依關係,並解釋此兩現象在交互作用的情況之下所導致的生產問題。在TOC理論下,瓶頸資源決定了整個系統的產出值,因此在該資源上所損失的時間相當於整個系統的損失,因此,TOC利用對瓶頸資源的保護來達到對整體系統產出的提昇,並據此發展出Drum-Buffer-Rope生產排程。本單元討論TOC的概念以及Drum-Buffer-Rope生產排程的應用方法。 |
內文目錄 | 圖表目錄 | ||||||||||||
限制理論(TOC)簡介 緩衝(Buffer)管理 Drum-Buffer-Rope生產排程 |
Managerial accounting is concerned with providing information to managers- that is, to those who are inside an organization and who direct and control its operations. Managerial accounting can be contrasted with financial accounting, which is concerned with providing information to stockholders, creditors and others who are outside an organization (Garrison and Noreen, 1999).
Managerial accounting information include:
For Example, managers can use product costs to guide the setting of selling prices. In addition, these product costs are used for inventory valuation and income determination (Horngren and Foster, pp. 2).
A budget is a quantitave expression of a plan.
These reports often consist of comparisons of budgets with actual results. The deviations of actual results from budget are called variances (Horngren and Foster, pp. 3)
Examples are information on revenues of an organization’s products and services, sales back logs, unit quantities and demands on capacity resources (Kaplan and Atkinson, pp. 1).
Managerial Accounting Practices
Traditional managerial accounting systems are mainly designed to measure the efficiency of internal processes. In the 1980’s, traditional managerial accounting practitioners were heavily critized on the grounds that their practices had changed little over the preceding 60 years, despite radical changes in the business environment. For more information on traditional managerial accounting practices see the
Traditional Managerial Accounting page.
The last decades new managerial accounting practices such as activity-based-costing, the balanced scorecard and bottleneck accounting were developped:
Unlike traditional managerial accounting, activity-based-costing deemphasizes direct labor or raw material as cost drivers and concentrates instead on activities (e.g. the number of production runs per month) that drive costs. Activity-based costing gives the management of an organization a clear picture of the cost drivers and the opportunities to reduce costs (Kaplan and Norton, 2001, pp. 378). For more information on activity based costing,
see the Activity Based Costing page.
Traditionally, management accountants’ principal performance report was variance analysis, which is a systematic approach to the comparison of the actual and budgeted costs and revenues during a production period. While some form of variance analysis is still used by most manufacturing firms, it nowadays tends to be used in conjunction with other performance reports such as the balanced scorecard. A balanced scorecard is a set of financial measures, operational measures on customer satisfaction, internal processes and the organization's innovation and improvement activities (Kaplan and Norton, 1992). Kaplan and Norton also argue that the balanced scorecard can be used as a strategic management system which identifies the value drivers of an organization's strategy and a management system to align the organization to the strategy (Kaplan and Norton, 2001, pp. 378). For more information on the balanced scorecard,
see the Balanced Scorecard page.
In a traditional variance analysis, managerial accountants compare the actual sales with the budgeted sales. A traditional variance analysis however does not point out which bottleneck coursed an unfavorable difference between actual and budgeted sales (see also Veltman, pp. 299-305). With bottleneck accounting however, managerial accountants are able to determine:
- the bottlenecks of an organization and;
- how much money was lost because of each bottleneck.
For more information on bottleneck accounting
see the Bottleneck Accounting page or visit the official website of the Institute of Bottleneck Accounting.
- Garrison, R. H., P. E. Noreen, 'Managerial Accounting', Irwin McGraw Hill, 1999
- Horngren, C. T. and G. Foster, 'Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis', Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1987
- Johnson, H. T. and R. S. Kaplan, 'Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting',
Harvard Business School Press, 1987.
- Kaplan, R.S. and A. A. Atkinson, ‘Advanced Management Accounting’,
Prentice-Hall International Inc. 1989
- Kaplan, R. S., D. P. Norton, 'The Balanced Scorecard - Measures that Drive Performance',
Harvard Business Review, January - February 1992.
- Kaplan, R. S., D. P. Norton, 'The Strategy Focused Organization', 2001,
Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
- Solomons, D., 'Historical Development of Costing', Studies in Costing, Sweet & Maxwell, 1952, pp. 1-51.
- Veltman, M.,'Bottleneck accounting', Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, Juni 2011.
2011 12 07
The Research of Management Strategies and Management Accounting-Case Studies of Acer and Tatung
The result of case study (the research discussed in this paper) indicates
本研究之目的即為解析國內資訊企業 如何因應環境變化 以 提昇國際競爭力
並探討在因應過程中企業如何 修正其 管理會計制 度與 分析管理會計之功能。
結果亦顯示,兩企業為 因應變化 而修改設計出之管理會計制度不同
策略 可謂是影響兩企業選擇或設計其管理會計制度行動之主要因素
Having gone through many business environmental changes, the information industry in Taiwan
gains the reputation of rapid development and highly international competition power in the world.
The purpose of this case study research focuses on how the enterprises in the information industry
promote their competition power in response to the environmental changes
by revising management accounting systems and analyzing the functions of management accounting.
The chosen enterprises are Acer and Tatung which represent the production & marketing
with its own brand name and through OEM respectively.
The author deeply surveyed all the related papers and had personal interviews with the two chosen sites.
The responses through time series processes are explored and comparative analyses are implemented.
The result of case study (the research discussed in this paper) indicates
Acer and Tatung have different company strategy respectively to promote its competition power
in response to the environmental changes.
However, both of them accomplish their company strategies by revising their management accounting
It can be shown that the management accounting systems have the power to influence and motivate
employees to implement the company strategy.
The result also illustrates the management accounting systems of Acer and Tatung after revised are different,
and what has brought about the differences is the different strategy
that the two enterprises have respectively.
The company strategy has a great influence on the designs and choices of
the management accounting systems.
Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions.
Management accounting
Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions.
In contrast to financial accountancy information, management accounting information is:

According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Management Accounting is "the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. Management accounting also comprises the preparation of financial reports for non-management groups such as shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies and tax authorities"(CIMA Official Terminology).
The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)[2] recently updated its definition as follows: "management accounting is a profession that involves partnering in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems,and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organization’s strategy".
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) states that management accounting as practice extends to the following three areas:
- primarily forward-looking, instead of historical;
- model based with a degree of abstraction to support decision making generically, instead of case based;
- designed and intended for use by managers within the organization, instead of being intended for use by shareholders, creditors, and public regulators;
- usually confidential and used by management, instead of publicly reported;
- computed by reference to the needs of managers, often using management information systems, instead of by reference to general financial accounting standards.
Contents[hide] |
[edit] Definition
IFAC Definition of Managerial Accounting showing Cost Measurement embracing three broad areas: Cost Accounting; Performance Evaluation & Analysis; Planning & Decision Support. Copyright July 2009 Professional Accountants in Business Committee. International Good Practice Guidance: Evaluating and Improving Costing in Organizations [1] p.7
The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)[2] recently updated its definition as follows: "management accounting is a profession that involves partnering in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems,and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organization’s strategy".
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) states that management accounting as practice extends to the following three areas:
- Strategic Management—Advancing the role of the management accountant as a strategic partner in the organization.
- Performance Management—Developing the practice of business decision-making and managing the performance of the organization.
- Risk Management—Contributing to frameworks and practices for identifying, measuring, managing and reporting risks to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.
[edit] Traditional vs. innovative practices
Accounting Case 22-2 Shuman Automobiles, Inc.
Group Members Shannon Barbour Jillian Kavanagh Jean Manning Steven Penney
:Case Facts Shuman Automobiles, Inc Clark Shuman Owner and GM of an automobile dealership Nearing retirement In process of withdrawing from day-to-day activities
:Case Facts Shuman Automobiles, Inc Dealership is divided into 3 departments Each department has its own manager New Car department Used Car department Service department Each department is to be run as an independent business (a profit center)
Case Facts Manager's remuneration is based on a straight percentage of their department's gross profits Each department is concerned with maximizing its own profits This has caused disputes between the three profit centers
New Car Purchase Transaction Customer traded in his old car (which required repairs) in return for a reduced price on the new car The transaction involves all 3 departments The departments disagree over the appropriate trade-in price
:Sample Transaction Buying a new car with a trade-in New Car List Price $14 400 (Cost of Goods Sold � New Car) (12 240) Profit on Sale of Car 2 160 �� Trade-in Retail Price 7 100 (Cost of Trade-in) (6 500) (Cost of Repairs) (1 594) Total Incremental Gross Profit $1 166
Profit Center Transactions Assumptions Each department is operating as a profit center It is known with certainty beforehand that the repairs to the trade-in will cost $1 594
The Correct Transfer Value The new car department will have to transfer the trade-in to the used car department at a cost of $5 800 less the cost of repairs The new car department paid $6,500 on the trade-in, resulting in a loss for the department
The Correct Transfer Value It states in the case that the used car department is not obligated to take over the car The car will have to be transferred at a cost that the used car manager is willing to pay The �Blue Book� gave a cash buying range of the trade-in model of $5,200 - $5,800
The Correct Transfer Value Since the customer was a difficult one, and the new car sales manager had to allow an increased amount to complete the sale, the car should be transferred at $5800 The trade-in has not been repaired therefore, this cost should be deducted from the transfer cost
The Appropriate Repair Charge It should be able to charge the used car department the price it charges outside customers If service is required to repair the trade-in & other inside repair work at cost this department�s opportunity for profit is decreased It would be more profitable for the service department to only repair outside cars
The service department charged an outside customer $2,042 for similar repairs The used car department should also be charged this price The Appropriate Repair Charge
Incremental Gross Profits Service Department Sale of Repairs $2 042 (Cost of Repairs) (1 594) Incremental Gross Profit $448
Used Car Department Transfer Price of Trade-In Blue Book Price $5 800 (Price of Repairs) (2 042) Transfer Price of Trade-In $3 758 Incremental Gross Profits
Incremental Gross Profits Used Car Department Incremental Gross Profit Trade-in Retail Price $7 100 (Transfer Price) (3 758) (Price of Repairs) (2 042) Incremental Gross Profits $1 300
Incremental Gross Profits New Car Department New Car List Price $14 400 (Cost of Goods Sold � New Car) (12 240) (Cost of Trade-in) (6 500) Transfer Price 3 758 Incremental Gross Profits ($582)
Total Gross Profit for Shuman Total of 3 Departments: New Car Dept. ($582) Used Car Dept. $1 300 Service Dept. 448 Incremental Gross Profits $1 166
:If Car Is Repaired and Sold�
A Higher-profit Alternative? Possibility: Sell the used car, �as is�, at the regional used car auction. Assumption: The service department is operating at full capacity. Repair time for the used car would reduce the profit realized from dealing with other customers.
If Used Car Is Auctioned �As Is�
The Result
Results More profit will be realized if used car is repaired and sold. Points to consider: minimal trade-off will not always exist in such situations (with service department at capacity). a more �reasonable� amount for the trade-in would cause results to differ. will Shuman Automobiles, Inc. be able to �move� the car as quickly? What are the costs of having the used car on the lot?
Profit-centers at Shuman Is a three-profit-center approach appropriate? No, we do not feel that the three-profit-center approach is appropriate for Shuman to be using. This approach is not appropriate because: All three departments are highly interconnected. Department managers do not influence both revenues and costs.
Alternatives to Profit Centers Operate the new car department and the used car department as profit centers, but not the service department This alternative is not viable because of interconnectivity of all three departments
Alternatives to Profit Centers Operate the departments as revenue centers. Not viable because doesn�t fit the criteria (Departments not responsible for selling expenses). Operate the departments as expense centers. Not viable, doesn�t fit criteria.
Alternatives to Profit Centers Operate the departments as investment centers. Not viable because the departments not responsible for the use of both assets and profits. Operate in the same manner as before the introduction of profit centers.
Our Recommendation We recommend that the company return to operating the way they were before the introduction of profit centers. This is the best alternative because of the interconnectivity of the departments and the company was operating profitable before the changes were made.
基於高階管理者所授予之 決策權限,
就其職權領導其屬員,透過 高效能與高效率(effective and efficient)
其管理人員負責該責任中心的 成本控制與利潤創造 等經營績效
或是與同業比較 bench marking
經濟學家定義價值為:2011 11 23
「企業之營業利潤(Income)在扣除企業資金成本(Cost of Capital)後,所剩餘之所得。」
此一剩餘所得(Residual Income, RI)之觀念,
Solomons (1965)及Anthony (1973, 1982a, 1982b)
作業基礎成本制度Activity-Based Costing System
2011 10 19
對公司管理當局而言 2011 10 12
但你 只掌握50% 的資料 便行動,很 明顯 會 遇到 很多 的 困難。
但你 只掌握50% 的資料 便行動,很 明顯 會 遇到 很多 的 困難。
前克萊斯勒汽車公司總裁艾科卡(Lee Iacocca)
直接人工 及 原料 在 產品的過程 佔了相當大的比例
而 製造費用 又以 支援生產作業 為主
直接人工小時 或
直接人工成本 的單一基礎
應能 反映經濟事實
作業基礎成本制度之概念與實施方式 2011 10 05
是指以 生產產品或提供勞務 所進行之 作業 為成本彙集的中心點,
將 成本 歸屬到 各項作業,再經由 作業,
根據 成本動因 將 成本 歸屬到各該產品或勞務,
而據以 計算成本 的一套 成本會計制度。
顧客需求與消費型態 也有變化
舊有成本制度 已不能適用於此環境
為 策略性運用 以 制定產品訂價決策
協助 管理決策 之訂定
協助 作業 之改善
為經由 管理 耗用資源作業 以降低成本
1.資源類別(Resource categories)
2.第一階段資源動因(First-stage resource drivers)
3.作業(活動)與作業成本庫(Activity and activity cost pools)
4.第二階段作業(成本)動因(Second-stage activity drivers)
5.成本對象(Cost objects)
6.直接成本投入(Direct cost inputs)
單位水準之作業(Unit level)
~領導學之父華倫‧班尼斯(Warren Bennis)
管理就是一種整合 Management is Integration
~領導學之父華倫‧班尼斯(Warren Bennis)
管理就是一種整合 Management is Integration
2011 左永安顧問 想成為臺大 EMBA 人應具備什麼樣的特質?
臺大 EMBA 只錄取高階主管?
2011 左永安顧問 金融控股公司投資管理辦法 【公布日期】99.12.01
1.中華民國九十九年十二月一日行政院金融監督管理委員會金管銀控字第09960007020號令訂定發布全文12條;並自發布日施行 |
本辦法依金融控股公司法(以下簡稱本法)第三十七條第九項規定訂定。 |
金融控股公司申請投資本法第三十六條第二項及第三十七條 第一項之事業時,應符合下列規定: |
一、該投資應經該公司董事會通過。 |
二、聲明遵守公司法第二百零九條、第二百零六條準用同法 第一百七十八條有關競業禁止及利益衝突防止之規定。 |
三、本次投資後之集團資本適足率須達百分之一百以上, 且其各子公司應符合各業別資本適足性之相關規範。 |
四、該公司及其子公司無有礙健全經營情事, 且最近一年內未有遭主管機關重大裁罰或罰鍰 新臺幣一百萬元以上之處分案件。 但其該等情事已獲具體改善經主管機關認定者,不在此限。 |
五、最近一期經會計師查核或核閱之合併財務報表無累積虧損。 |
六、無因子公司受主管機關增資處分而未為該子公司完成資金籌募之情形。 |
七、無受主管機關依本法第五十五條令其處分相關投資仍未完成之情形。 |
八、除其他法規另有規定外, 該公司依本法第三十六條第二項第一款至第九款所為之首次投資, 對金融控股公司、銀行、保險公司及證券商應取得控制性持股, 對其他被投資事業應取得已發行有表決權股份總數或 資本總額超過百分之五十。 |
九、以最近一期經會計師查核或核閱之財務報告為基礎, 加計本次投資後之雙重槓桿比率不得超過百分之一百二十五。 |
十、投資其他金融控股公司或銀行,應符合本法第十六條或銀行法 第二十五條規定之股東適格條件。 |
十一、被投資事業為既存公司,最近一年有累積虧損者, 對該投資對象之累積虧損應提出合理說明。 |
前項第九款所稱雙重槓桿比率,指金融控股公司依本法 第三十六條第二項及第三十七條第一項所為之投資占該公司淨值之比率; 金融控股公司於年度中之現金增資,得予計入淨值, 並以取得驗資證明書之日為計算基準日,年度中發放現金股利, 應於股東會決議日由淨值中減除。 |
金融控股公司配合政府政策處理問題金融機構, 主管機關得專案核准其投資,不受第一項第三款、第九款及第十一款之限制。 |
金融控股公司依本法第五十六條規定協助銀行子公司、 保險子公司或證券子公司改善財務結構或回復正常營運所為之投資, 且已提出具體改善計畫者,不受第一項第三款至第九款之限制。 |
第一項投資涉及外匯業務者,應依中央銀行相關規定辦理。 |
金融控股公司之投資行為,其被投資事業屬公開發行公司者, 應自核准之日起三個月內依公開收購相關規定進行股份收購一次購足; 屬非公開發行公司者,應於三個月內完成投資。 |
金融控股公司之投資已達第一項第八款所定比率, 或投資本法第三十六條第二項第十款、第十一款及第三十七條 第一項有涉及投資海外之事業者,不受前項規定限制, 並應依主管機關核准期限辦理。 |
未依第六項及前項所定期限進行或完成投資者,主管機關對該次投資之核准自動失效。未執行完成且無正當理由者,該公司其他投資申請案件,主管機關得不予核准。 |
金融控股公司之投資資金來源應明確;以舉債為資金來源者,應有明確之還款來源及償債計畫,並應維持資本結構之健全性。 |
金融控股公司依本法第三十六條第二項申請投資時,除屬第五條第二項規定之情形外,應檢具下列書件: |
一、自評表(附表一)及申請文件為真實確認之聲明書(附表二)。 |
二、董事會會議紀錄。 |
三、投資目的、計畫,其內容包括: |
(一)被投資事業股東結構。 |
(二)被投資事業經營團隊成員。 |
(三)被投資事業業務範圍、業務之原則及方針、業務發展計畫。 |
(四)被投資事業未來三年財務評估狀況、投資效益可行性分析。 |
(五)依第二條第一項第八款所為之購足股份計畫及整併方案, 包括:股份購買方式、對象及資金來源等。 |
(六)預定執行投資計畫之持股上限及下限、 具體時程及未能依計畫執行之處置措施。 |
(七)保險子公司依保險法第一百四十六條之一 對該被投資事業之投資部位是否賣出或繼續持有之處理方案, 擬繼續持有該被投資事業之投資部位, 應提出依保險法第一百四十六條之六持有之申請文件。 |
四、遵守公司法第二百零九條、第二百零六條準用同法第一百七十八 條有關競業禁止、利益衝突防止規定及不事先投資之聲明書(附表三)。 |
五、該公司集團資本適足率及各子公司資本適足性之說明。 |
六、該公司及其子公司最近一期合併資產負債表及損益表。 |
七、該公司加計本次投資後之雙重槓桿比率及已投資事業明細表。 |
八、資金來源明細。以舉債為資金來源者並應檢附還款來源、 償債計畫及其對資本及財務結構之影響。 |
九、本次投資對該公司及其子公司未來整體營運發展及 產生規模經濟或綜效之績效評估。 |
十、被投資事業為既存公司者,應檢附該被投資事業 最近一年資產負債表及損益表,如被投資事業有累積虧損者, 應提出說明。 |
十一、該公司及其子公司、關係企業、及上開公司之負責人、 大股東或以他人名義已購買金融控股公司本次所申請之 被投資事業所發行具股權性質之有價證券或與他人簽訂 之衍生性金融商品契約所連結之該被投資事業具股權 性質之有價證券之相關資料,相關書件包括: |
(一)購買前開有價證券之明細表。 |
(二)過去六個月買進、賣出交易資料。 |
(三)未來購買計畫及資金來源之詳細說明。 |
(四)於公開資訊觀測站申報重大訊息之資料, 應包括:連結證券之股數、執行或轉換價格、約當金額、執行日等。 |
十二、該公司及其子公司、關係企業、及上開公司之負責人、 大股東或以他人名義已購買金融控股公司本次所申請之被 投資事業任一持有被投資事業股份超過百分之五之法人股東股票, 合計超過該法人股東已發行股份總額百分之五十者, 應申報其明細表及其資金來源。 |
十三、該公司對所有投資事業之管理及具體風險控管機制。 |
十四、投資其他金融控股公司或銀行,應依本法第十六條或 銀行法第二十五條規定,提出股東適格性文件。 |
十五、申請日前最近六個月 全體董事、監察人及大股東持股設質比率 平均百分之五十以上之金融控股公司, 其持股設質比率百分之五十以上之個別董事、 監察人或大股東應提出下列書件, 由金融控股公司彙總分析其對公司經營之影響: |
(一)利率上漲或股價下跌時資金週轉之因應方案。 |
(二)出具願確實執行因應方案之聲明書。 |
十六、經會計師複核出具符合第二條、第三條之複核意見書。 |
十七、非經由證券集中交易市場或證券商營業處所進行之投資行為, 應提出交易價格合理性之說明。 |
十八、其他依被投資事業特性應另行檢具之評估資料。 |
前項第十一款所稱具股權性質之有價證券, 指股票及證券交易法施行細則第十一條第一項規定之有價證券。 |
金融控股公司直接或間接控制之關係企業投資本法第三十六條 第二項之事業,並認列為長期股權投資者,除依各業法規定辦理外, 應由金融控股公司檢附代關係企業申請投資案之自評表(附表四)、 申請文件為真實確認之聲明書(附表五), 以及競業禁止、利益衝突防止規定及不事先投資之聲明書(附表六), 代向主管機關申請核准。 |
金融控股公司依本法第三十七條第一項申請投資應檢附下列申請文件: |
一、自評表(附表七)及申請文件為真實確認之聲明書(附表二)。 |
二、董事會會議紀錄。 |
三、投資目的。 |
四、被投資事業股東結構及經營團隊成員。 |
五、被投資事業業務範圍、業務之原則及方針、業務發展計畫。 |
六、被投資事業未來三年財務評估狀況、投資效益可行性分析。 |
七、預定執行投資計畫具體時程及未能依計畫執行之處置措施。 |
八、遵守公司法第二百零九條、第二百零六條準用同法第一百七十八 條有關競業禁止、利益衝突防止規定及不事先投資之聲明書(附表三)。 |
九、該公司集團資本適足率及各子公司資本適足性之說明。 |
十、該公司及其子公司最近一期合併資產負債表及損益表。 |
十一、該公司加計本次投資後之雙重槓桿比率及已投資事業明細表。 |
十二、資金來源明細。以舉債為資金來源者並應檢附還款來源、 償債計畫及其對資本及財務結構之影響。 |
十三、被投資事業為既存公司者, 應檢附該被投資事業最近一年資產負債表及損益表, 如被投資事業有累積虧損者,應提出說明。 |
十四、該公司對所有投資事業之管理及具體風險控管機制。 |
十五、非經由證券集中交易市場或證券商營業處所進行之投資行為, 應提出交易價格合理性之說明。 |
十六、其他依被投資事業特性應另行檢具之評估資料。 |
金融控股公司依本法第三十六條第二項申請之投資如屬下列情形之一者, 得依前項規定辦理: |
一、為維持原經主管機關核准之投資持股比率之現金增資。 |
二、使被投資事業成為子公司,且原已投資金額加計 本次投資金額累計未超過新臺幣三億元者。 |
三、購買子公司之少數股權。 |
四、持股比率因被投資事業可轉換債券之轉換或認股權憑證之行使而下降, 為維持原經主管機關核准之投資持股比率。 |
金融控股公司應建立有效之投資管理及風險控管機制, 並提報董事會決議後施行。 |
金融控股公司經主管機關核准投資後,應確保該公司及 其直接或間接控制之關係企業於所核准投資之範圍內進行投資, 不得偏離本業。 |
金融控股公司經主管機關核准投資公開發行公司, 並以公開收購方式收購股份者,應於公開收購期間屆滿之日起十日內, 向主管機關函報依公開收購規定之投資情形;其未依原訂投資計畫完成 公開收購者,除有正當理由重新申請經主管機關核准者外, 於一年內不得就同一被投資事業進行公開收購。 |
金融控股公司經主管機關核准投資非公開發行公司, 且未能依原訂投資計畫完成者,應於核准投資期限屆滿之日起十日內, 檢具下列書件函報主管機關核准: |
一、未能依原訂投資計畫完成之原因。 |
二、後續投資規劃及時程: |
(一)規劃停止投資者,應檢附處分持股期限、方式、 辭任被投資事業董事及監察人職務等計畫。 |
(二)規劃繼續進行投資者,應依本辦法規定檢附書件 向主管機關再行提出申請,但以一次為限; 其仍未於核准投資期限控制被投資事業,應停止投資, 並依前目規定辦理。 |
金融控股公司依前項規劃停止投資者, 至遲須於被投資事業下次改選董事及監察人之股東常會 停止股票過戶日前完成處分持股。 但金融控股公司提出延緩處分持股之理由經主管機關同意者,不在此限。 |
金融控股公司未依經主管機關核准之處分持股計畫處分持股完畢, 主管機關得依本法第五十四條規定處分。 |
金融控股公司經主管機關核准投資者,除有第七條及前條規定情形外, 應於核准投資期限屆滿之日起十日內,向主管機關函報投資計畫執行情形。 |
金融控股公司經主管機關核准投資並執行完成者, 董事會決議通過轉讓被投資事業之持股,或解散被投資事業時, 應於十日內檢具下列書件函報主管機關備查: |
一、董事會會議紀錄。須提報股東會者, 應於股東會決議後十日內補具股東會會議紀錄。 |
二、金融控股公司轉讓被投資事業股份之價格合理性說明及損益分析, 並應包括「公開發行公司取得或處分資產處理準則」 第十條規定之報表及文件。 |
三、對金融控股公司集團資本適足率之影響。 |
四、依本法第四十三條進行子公司間共同行銷者, 對參與共同行銷子公司客戶資料之處理措施。 |
金融機構依本法第二十六條、第二十七條將股份轉換成金融控股公司 之子公司者,該投資案應與金融機構依本法第二十六條轉換為 金融控股公司子公司之申請案併同申請,不適用本辦法。 |
本辦法自發布日施行。 |
Case : Coca-Cola New Vending Machine
可口可樂公司創始於1886 年,為全球碳酸飲料市場的領導廠商,
其中最受歡迎的產品為Coca-Cola Classic。
截至1999 年,可口可樂於全球共200 多個國家販售多達450 種的品牌商品,
Discussion Questions
1. Is selling Coke through interactive vending machines a good or a bad idea? Why?
2. Where, how, and for whom does this technology create/destroy value?
For example, loyal Coke customers, switchers among cola products,
loyal Pepsi customers, etc.?
該技術創建 /銷毀價值?
轉換型 客戶
3. Are there any pricing related issues that can adversely affect the firm?
促銷定價或loss leaders犧牲打定價
以顧客角度 ○代表yes: adversely affect X代表no: adversely affect△代表yes or no
Pricing involves asking questions like:
- How much to charge for a product or service? This question is a typical starting point for discussions about pricing, however, a better question for a vendor to ask is - How much do customers value the products, services, and other intangibles that the vendor provides.
- What are the pricing objectives?
- Do we use profit maximization pricing?
- How to set the price?: (cost-plus pricing, demand based or value-based pricing, rate of return pricing, or competitor indexing)
- Should there be a single price or multiple pricing?
- Should prices change in various geographical areas, referred to as zone pricing?
- Should there be quantity discounts?
- What prices are competitors charging?
- Do you use a price skimming strategy or a penetration pricing strategy?
- What image do you want the price to convey?
- Do you use psychological pricing?
- How important are customer price sensitivity (e.g. "sticker shock") and elasticity issues?
- Can real-time pricing be used?
- Is price discrimination or yield management appropriate?
- Are there legal restrictions on retail price maintenance, price collusion, or price discrimination?
- Do price points already exist for the product category?
- How flexible can we be in pricing? : The more competitive the industry, the less flexibility we have.
- The price floor is determined by production factors like costs (often only variable costs are taken into account), economies of scale, marginal cost, and degree of operating leverage
- The price ceiling is determined by demand factors like price elasticity and price points
- Are there transfer pricing considerations?
- What is the chance of getting involved in a price war?
- How visible should the price be? - Should the price be neutral? (ie.: not an important differentiating factor), should it be highly visible? (to help promote a low priced economy product, or to reinforce the prestige image of a quality product), or should it be hidden? (so as to allow marketers to generate interest in the product unhindered by price considerations).
- Are there joint product pricing considerations?
- What are the non-price costs of purchasing the product? (eg.: travel time to the store, wait time in the store, disagreeable elements associated with the product purchase - dentist -> pain, fishmarket -> smells)
- What sort of payments should be accepted? (cash, check, credit card, barter) Pricing
A well chosen price should do three things:
There are numerous terms and strategies specific to pricing:
- achieve the financial goals of the company (e.g., profitability)
- fit the realities of the marketplace (Will customers buy at that price?)
- support a product's positioning and be consistent with the other variables in the marketing mix
- price is influenced by the type of distribution channel used, the type of promotions used, and the quality of the product
- price will usually need to be relatively high if manufacturing is expensive, distribution is exclusive, and the product is supported by extensive advertising and promotional campaigns
- a low price can be a viable substitute for product quality, effective promotions, or an energetic selling effort by distributors
- price is influenced by the type of distribution channel used, the type of promotions used, and the quality of the product
There are numerous terms and strategies specific to pricing:
[edit] Effective price
The effective price is the price the company receives after accounting for discounts, promotions, and other incentives.[edit] Line Pricing
Line Pricing is the use of a limited number of prices for all product offerings of a vendor. This is a tradition started in the old five and dime stores in which everything cost either 5 or 10 cents. Its underlying rationale is that these amounts are seen as suitable price points for a whole range of products by prospective customers. It has the advantage of ease of administering, but the disadvantage of inflexibility, particularly in times of inflation or unstable prices.[edit] Loss leader
A loss leader is a product that has a price set below the operating margin. This results in a loss to the enterprise on that particular item in the hope that it will draw customers into the store and that some of those customers will buy other, higher margin items.[edit] Promotional pricing
Promotional pricing refers to an instance where pricing is the key element of the marketing mix.[edit] Price/quality relationship
The price/quality relationship refers to the perception by most consumers that a relatively high price is a sign of good quality. The belief in this relationship is most important with complex products that are hard to test, and experiential products that cannot be tested until used (such as most services). The greater the uncertainty surrounding a product, the more consumers depend on the price/quality hypothesis and the greater premium they are prepared to pay. The classic example is the pricing of Twinkies, a snack cake which was viewed as low quality after the price was lowered. Excessive reliance on the price/quantity relationship by consumers may lead to an increase in prices on all products and services, even those of low quality, which causes the price/quality relationship to no longer apply.[citation needed][edit] Premium pricing
Premium pricing (also called prestige pricing) is the strategy of consistently pricing at, or near, the high end of the possible price range to help attract status-conscious consumers. The high pricing of premium product is used to enhance and reinforce a product's luxury image. Examples of companies which partake in premium pricing in the marketplace include Rolex and Bentley. People will buy a premium priced product because:- They believe the high price is an indication of good quality;
- They believe it to be a sign of self worth - "They are worth it;" it authenticates the buyer's success and status; it is a signal to others that the owner is a member of an exclusive group;
- They require flawless performance in this application - The cost of product malfunction is too high to buy anything but the best - example : heart pacemaker.
[edit] Demand-based pricing
Demand-based pricing is any pricing method that uses consumer demand - based on perceived value - as the central element. These include: price skimming, price discrimination and yield management, price points, psychological pricing, bundle pricing, penetration pricing, price lining, value-based pricing, geo and premium pricing. Pricing factors are manufacturing cost, market place, competition, market condition, quality of product.[edit] Multidimensional pricing
Multidimensional pricing is the pricing of a product or service using multiple numbers. In this practice, price no longer consists of a single monetary amount (e.g., sticker price of a car), but rather consists of various dimensions (e.g., monthly payments, number of payments, and a downpayment). Research has shown that this practice can significantly influence consumers' ability to understand and process price information [1]Nine Laws of Price Sensitivity & Consumer Psychology
In their book, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, Thomas Nagle and Reed Holden outline 9 laws or factors that influence how a consumer perceives a given price and how price-sensitive s/he is likely to be with respect to different purchase decisions: [2][3]- Reference Price Effect Buyer’s price sensitivity for a given product increases the higher the product’s price relative to perceived alternatives. Perceived alternatives can vary by buyer segment, by occasion, and other factors.
- Difficult Comparison Effect Buyers are less sensitive to the price of a known / more reputable product when they have difficulty comparing it to potential alternatives.
- Switching Costs Effect The higher the product-specific investment a buyer must make to switch suppliers, the less price sensitive that buyer is when choosing between alternatives.
- Price-Quality Effect Buyers are less sensitive to price the more that higher prices signal higher quality. Products for which this effect is particularly relevant include: image products, exclusive products, and products with minimal cues for quality.
- Expenditure Effect Buyers are more price sensitive when the expense accounts for a large percentage of buyers’ available income or budget.
- End-Benefit Effect The effect refers to the relationship a given purchase has to a larger overall benefit, and is divided into two parts: Derived demand: The more sensitive buyers are to the price of the end benefit, the more sensitive they will be to the prices of those products that contribute to that benefit. Price proportion cost: The price proportion cost refers to the percent of the total cost of the end benefit accounted for by a given component that helps to produce the end benefit (e.g., think CPU and PCs). The smaller the given components share of the total cost of the end benefit, the less sensitive buyers will be to the component's price.
- Shared-cost Effect The smaller the portion of the purchase price buyers must pay for themselves, the less price sensitive they will be.
- Fairness Effect Buyers are more sensitive to the price of a product when the price is outside the range they perceive as “fair” or “reasonable” given the purchase context.
- The Framing Effect Buyers are more price sensitive when they perceive the price as a loss rather than a forgone gain, and they have greater price sensitivity when the price is paid separately rather than as part of a bundle.
Pricing mistakes
Many companies make common pricing mistakes. Bernstein's article "Supplier Pricing Mistakes"[5][6] outlines several which include:- Weak controls on discounting
- Inadequate systems for tracking competitor selling prices and market share
- Cost-Up pricing
- Price increases poorly executed
- Worldwide price inconsistencies
- Paying sales representatives on dollar volume vs. addition of profitability measures
定價 是一個過程,確定哪些公司將獲得以換取其產品。 價格因素是 生產成本 ,市場,競爭,市場條件,優質的產品。 價格也是一個關鍵的變量在 微觀 價格分配理論。 定價是一個基本方面的 財務模型 ,是一對 四詩 的 營銷組合 。 其他三個方面的產品,促銷和 地點 。 價格是唯一躋身創收元詩四,其餘為 成本中心 。
定價為手動或自動過程中運用價格,購買和銷售訂單的基礎上的因素,如:固定金額,數量突破,推廣或銷售活動,特定的供應商報價,價格普遍入境,貨物或發票日期,結合多個訂單或線路,等等。 自動化系統需要更多的安裝和維護,但可以防止錯誤定價。 對消費者的需求可以轉化為需求只有當消費者有購買意願和能力的產品。 因此,價格是非常重要的市場。
內容[ 隱藏 ] |
[ 編輯 ] 問題涉及的定價
定價包括詢問的問題,如:- 多少收費為 產品 或 服務 ? 這個問題是一個典型的出發點討論定價,但是,一個更好的問題,因為供應商要問的是-多少做客戶 價值 的產品,服務和其他無形資產的供應商提供。
- 什麼是 定價目標 ?
- 我們是否使用 利潤最大化的定價 ?
- 如何設定價格是多少?:( 成本加成定價 ,需求或基於 價值為基礎定價 , 收益率定價 ,或 競爭對手索引 )
- 如果有一個或多個單一價格定價?
- 如果價格變化不同的地理區域,被稱為 區域定價 ?
- 如果有 數量折扣 ?
- 什麼樣的價格是競爭對手充電?
- 您是否使用一 撇價格 策略或 滲透定價 策略?
- 你想要什麼樣的形象來傳達的價格?
- 您是否使用 心理定價 ?
- 如何重要的是客戶的價格敏感性(如“ 貼紙休克 “)和 彈性 問題?
- 可以 實時定價 使用?
- 是 價格歧視 或收益管理是否合適?
- 是否有法律限制的零售價格維持,價格合謀或價格歧視?
- 不要 價位 已經存在的產品類別?
- 如何靈活,我們才能在定價? :更具競爭力的產業,我們有彈性較小。
- 是否存在 轉讓定價 的考慮?
- 什麼是有機會獲得參與了 價格戰 ?
- 可見,價格應該怎樣呢? - 應該是中立的價格? (即:不是一個重要的區分因素),是否應該非常明顯的? (幫助促進低價位經濟的產物,或加強信譽形象,高質量的產品),還是應該被隱藏? (以便讓營銷人員產生興趣的產品不受阻礙地在價格因素)。
- 是否有 共同的產品定價 的考慮?
- 有哪些非價格成本購買的產品? (例如:旅行時間去商店購物,在商店的等待時間,不愉快的元素相關聯的產品購買 - 牙醫 - >“疼痛,菲什馬奇特 - >”氣味)
- 什麼樣的付款應接受呢? (現金,支票,信用卡, 易貨 )定價
[ 編輯 ] 什麼是應該做的代價
一個精心挑選的價格應該做三件事情:從營銷的角度來看,一個 有效的價格 是價格,這是非常接近的最大客戶願意支付的。 從經濟角度看,它是一個價格,大多數消費者轉移 過剩 的生產商。 一個好的定價策略將是一個可能的平衡之間的價格下限(價格低於該組織結束了在虧損),價格上限(即價格超過了該組織經歷了一個沒有需求的情況)。
[ 編輯 ] 術語
有許多具體條款和定價策略:[ 編輯 ] 有效的價格
在 有效價格 是價格,公司收到後佔折扣,促銷和其他獎勵。[ 編輯 ] 線定價
線定價 是利用數量有限的價格提供所有產品的供應商。 這是一個古老的傳統開始於 五角錢 商店中,所有的一切都為5或10美分。 其基本理由是,這些款項被視為合適的 價格點 為整個系列產品的潛在客戶。 它具有易於管理的優勢,但缺乏靈活性的缺點,尤其是在次 通貨膨脹 或不穩定的價格。[ 編輯 ] 損失的領導者
一個 領導者的損失 是一種產品,具有價格設置低於營業利潤。 這將導致虧損的企業在那個特定的項目,希望它會吸引顧客進店,而其中的一些客戶會購買其他利潤較高的項目。[ 編輯 ] 促銷定價
促銷定價 ,是指用實例說明定價是關鍵要素的 營銷組合 。[ 編輯 ] 價格/質量關係
在 價格/質量關係 指的是大多數消費者的印象,一個相對較高的價格是一個標誌,質量很好。 這個信念是在這種關係中最重要,複雜的產品,難以測試,並體驗產品,可以不進行測試,直至使用(如大多數服務)。 不確定性越大的產品,更取決於消費者對價格/質量假說和更大的溢價他們願意付錢。 典型的例子是定價 Twinkies ,小吃蛋糕被視為低質量的降低後的價格。 過度依賴價格/數量關係的消費者可能會導致價格的增加對所有產品和服務,即使那些質量低,從而導致價格/質量的關係,已不再適用。 [ 來源請求 ][ 編輯 ] 保費定價
保費定價 (也稱為聲望定價)是一貫的定價策略時,或附近,高端價格區間的可能,以幫助吸引注重身份的消費者。 高溢價定價的產品是用於提高和加強了產品的豪華形象。 參加的公司的例子,保費價格在市場上包括 勞力士 和 賓利 。 人們將購買高檔價位產品,因為:- 他們認為,高價格是顯示質量好;
- 他們認為這是自我價值的標誌 - “他們是值得的,”這驗證了買方的成就和地位,它是一個信號,別人的所有者是一個成員的專用組;
- 他們要求完美的表現,這應用 - 產品的故障成本太高,買任何東西,但最好的 - 例如:心臟起搏器。
[ 編輯 ] 需求為基礎的定價
需求為基礎的定價 是任何定價方法,利用消費者的需求-基於感知價值-作為中心內容。 這些措施包括: 價格略讀 , 價格歧視 和 收益管理 , 價格 , 心理定價 , 捆綁定價 , 滲透定價 ,價格襯, 以價值為基礎定價 , 地理 與保費定價。 價格因素是生產成本,市場,競爭,市場環境,優質的產品。[ 編輯 ] 多維定價
多維定價 是定價的產品或服務使用多個號碼。 在這個實踐中,價格不再由一個單一貨幣的數量(例如,標價是汽車),而是包括各種尺寸(例如,每月付款,付款的數目,以及首期)。 研究表明,這種做法會嚴重影響消費者的理解能力和處理價格信息 [ 1 ][ 編輯 ] 九規律的價格敏感度與消費者心理
在他們的著作, 在定價戰略與戰術 , 托馬斯納格勒 和 里德霍頓 大綱9法律或影響因素,消費者如何看待一個給定的價格,以及如何價格敏感的他/她很可能會就不同的購買決定: [ 2 ] [ 3 ]- 參考價格影響 買方的價格敏感性的特定產品增加了較高的產品的價格相對於自覺選擇。 知覺的替代品可以改變由買方段,由場合,和其他因素。
- 效果比較難 買家對價格不敏感的已知/更多有信譽的產品,他們有困難時,向潛在的替代品進行比較。
- 轉換成本的影響 越高,產品的具體投資買方必須對交換機供應商的價格就越敏感,買方在選擇之間做出選擇。
- 價格質量的影響 買家對價格不敏感更是高油價信號質量高。 此產品效果尤其重要,包括:形象產品,獨家產品,以最小的線索和產品質量。
- 支出對 買家對價格更敏感,費用佔了很大比例的買家的現有收入或預算。
- 最終效益影響 的效應是指某一特定的關係有一個更大的購買整體利益,並分為兩個部分: 派生需求 :越是敏感的買家對價格的最終利益,更為敏感,他們將是這些產品的價格,有助於受益。 價格比例成本 :價格比例成本是指總成本的百分之最終受益的比重由給定組件,有助於製造最終受益(例如,CPU和思考個)。 越小定的組成部分股份的總成本的最終利益,不敏感的買家將是組件的價格。
- 共享成本影響 較小的部分購房者的購買價格,必須為自己付出的越少價格敏感的人會走。
- 公平的影響 買家對價格比較敏感的產品,當價格超出範圍他們認為“一般”或“合理”鑑於購買內容。
- 框架效應 買家對價格更敏感,他們認為價格作為損失,而不是放棄的收益,他們有更大的價格敏感度時的價格支付,而不是作為單獨的一部分,一包。
[ 編輯 ] 方法
價格是最有效的盈利 槓桿 。 [ 4 ] 定價可以走近在三個levels.The產業,市場和交易水平。- 定價在行業層面著眼於總體經濟的產業,包括供應商的價格變化和客戶需求的變化。
- 價格在市場層面的重點是競爭地位的價格相對於價值有區別的產品,競爭產品的比較。
- 在事務級定價側重於管理執行折扣遠離參考,或列表的價格,這都發生和關閉的發票或收據。
[ 編輯 ] 定價策略
Micromarketing 是實踐的剪裁產品,品牌( microbrands ),和促銷活動,以滿足需求和慾望的 microsegments 內的市場。 它是一種類型的市場定制的交易與定價的客戶/產品組合在商店或個人層面。[ 編輯 ] 定價失誤
許多公司,共同定價的錯誤。 伯恩斯坦的文章“供應商的價格誤區” [ 5 ] [ 6 ] 列出幾個,其中包括:- 弱管制貼現
- 制度不完善跟踪競爭對手的銷售價格和市場份額
- 成本高達定價
- 物價上漲欠佳
- 全球價格不一致
- 豐厚的銷售代表數量對比此外美元的盈利情況
[ 編輯 ] 方法
查一查 定價 在 維基詞典 ,自由的字典。 |
[ 編輯 ] 參考文獻
4. What did Coca-Cola do right? What did it do wrong? How would you have done it?
5. How does the Internet affect the ability of firms to price-discriminate across consumers?
價格歧視 price discrimination。差別取價。 |
價格歧視是指對於不同地區、時間,或對於不同的消費者, 銷售商品或營務,但收取不同的費用。 價格歧視可劃分成三個層級: (1)第三級差別定價: 依照消費者性質,區分不同市場,將顧客分群定價。如,地攤與專櫃。 (2)第二級差別定價: 按照消費者購買數量的大小所取不同的價格。 (3)第一級差別定價,又稱完全差別定價(perfect price discrimination): 價格隨著每個消費者願意付出的最高價格而定價。 企業成功實施價格歧視的必備條件為: 在不同市場中, 至少對其中一個市場有獨佔力量、 不同市場的需求彈性不同、 市場間不會發生產品回流或轉售。 |
Case V: GolfLogix Measuring the Game
While writing this paper, we assumed the following points:
• The readers of this case have a general knowledge of the game of golf
• We believed all of the information in this case to be true, even though some of the
information may have changed since the release of the product.
• Golf courses have a real interest in leasing this product from Golflogix, even
though there was not very much data to support this point.
GolfLogix已開發出小型,基於 GPS的設備來幫助球手在跟踪他們的發揮。
這樣的事實 GolfLogix有兩個設備,它正試圖出售:
缺點:現在已有解決 方案
1)個人 xCaddies將是無用的課程,是不是已經制定了。
2)個人所有權 xCaddies上升可能阻礙課程,從自己的設備租賃。
這意味著 持續收入....(蠻壞的思考 但 對企業非做不可)
Discussion Questions
1. How does the xCaddie create value? Is it compelling?
2. What is the market potential for the GolfLogix devices?
3. What are the advantages of going through the golf courses?
Through retail channels?
4. If you could only choose one of the two channels,
which wouldyou choose—courses or retail?
5. Given the option of selling through both channels, what would you do?
2011 左永安顧問 個案討論 Coca-Cola New Vending Machine GolfLogix Measuring the Game
2011 左永安顧問 個案討論 Coca-Cola New Vending Machine GolfLogix Measuring the Game
Case : Coca-Cola New Vending Machine
Discussion Questions
1. Is selling Coke through interactive vending machines a good or a bad idea? Why?
2. Where, how, and for whom does this technology create/destroy value? For example, loyal Coke customers, switchers among cola products, loyal Pepsi customers, etc.?
3. Are there any pricing related issues that can adversely affect the firm?
4. What did Coca-Cola do right? What did it do wrong? How would you have done it?
5. How does the Internet affect the ability of firms to price-discriminate across consumers?
人間四月天 北極熊登「台」避暑最神販賣機 「可口可樂急凍凝冰」耍COOL上市
北極熊領軍 百人Frozen 急凍試飲High翻天
「可口可樂」新喝法 急凍凝冰玩出新商機
# # #
1. 買到商品後立即打開瓶蓋,大飲一口(因「可口可樂」
結冰後體積會膨 脹,此可避免「可口可樂」溢出瓶外)
2. 蓋上瓶蓋,倒轉產品(讓結冰有一個著力點)
3. 等數秒,冰粒浮現後,即可痛快暢飲
原來是CO2 + 冰點的奧妙】
台北 士林運動中心YMCA側門 台北市士商路1號
台北 西門紅樓左 台北市成都路10號
台北 西門紅樓右 台北市成都路10號
台北 士林夜市126號門急凍凝冰 台北市基河路60號
台北 台北站前地下街8號出口左7 台北市忠孝西路一段50-1號B1
台北 台北站前地下街5號出口廣場5 台北市忠孝西路一段50-1號B1
台北 師範大學文學院左側走道 台北市和平東路一段162號
台北 國立師範大學文學院中走道 台北市和平東路一段162號
台北 南湖高中游泳池1F入口 台北市康寧路三段220號
台北 永權世貿二館-SC右 台北市松廉路3號
台北 永權世貿二館-SC左 台北市松廉路3號
台北 玩具總動員 西門店 台北市武昌街二段53號
台北 獅子林新光商業大樓1F 台北市武昌街二段75號
台北 中山地下街B53 台北市中山捷運站B53號
台北 北台灣技術學院男生宿舍 台北市北投區學園路2號
台北 致理技術學院福利社 台北縣板橋市文化路一段313號
台北 國光客運板橋站2號月台 台北縣板橋市新府路75號
桃園 NOVA中壢店1樓內 桃園縣中壢市中正路389號
桃園 中央大學宵夜街 (葵可利) 桃園縣中壢市五興街416號
桃園 其立兒遊藝場 桃園縣中壢市中正路41、43號
桃園 玩具總動員中壢店 桃園縣中壢市實踐路108號
桃園 開南大學至誠樓 桃園縣蘆竹鄉開南路1號
新竹 新竹教育大學6-樹德樓男舍 新竹市南大路521號
新竹 NOVA新竹-急凍凝冰 新竹市光復路二段200號
新竹 中華科技大學B1 新竹縣橫山鄉中華路200號
新竹 苗栗客運頭份站 苗栗縣中正路206號
新竹 六福村老油井 新竹縣六福村主題樂園
新竹 六福村福記小館 新竹縣六福村主題樂園
新竹 新竹客運新竹站 新竹市民族路16-1號
新竹 中國科技大學涵德樓-急凍凝冰 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號
新竹 中國科大日新樓急凍凝冰 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號
新竹 元培科技大學1─集賢樓1樓 新竹市香山區元培街306號
新竹 元培科技大樓6─光恩樓1樓 新竹市香山區元培街306號
新竹 昀臻大學圖書館2樓 新竹市玄奘路48號
新竹 新竹愛買2號出入口 新竹市光復里公道五路二段469號
台中 中友百貨-10F急凍凝冰 台中市三民路三段167號之1
台中 朝陽科大-設計大樓 台中縣霧峰鄉吉峰東路168號
台中 中山醫學大學大慶分校閱覽室旁 台中市大慶街二段100號
台中 中興大學-綜合大樓前A 台中縣大里市國光路250號
台中 逢甲大學─建築館 台中市文華路100號
台中 NOVA台中店 台中市英才路508號
台中 仁愛眼鏡一中店 台中市一中街
台中 台鐵車站─台中車站C─出口左 台中市建國路172號
彰化 台鐵車站-彰化車站A-出口處 彰化市彰市三民路1號
台南 南方公園-急凍凝冰 台南市中西區中山路125-56號
高雄 高雄應用大學福利社-御膳食品 高雄市三民區建工路415號
高雄 龍族保齡球館-櫃檯旁 高雄市岡山鎮大德二路69號
高雄 新堀江購物中心-傑士強生公司 高雄市新興區文化路88號
高雄 揚明企業-美嘉遊戲場急凍凝冰 高雄市新興區仁智街285號
高雄 高苑大學─土木福利社 高雄市路竹鄉中山路1821號
高雄 高苑大學─機電福利社 高雄市路竹鄉中山路1821號
高雄 中山大學H棟福利社 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70號
屏東 國光客運屏東站 屏東市中山路9之1號
北極熊領軍 百人Frozen 急凍試飲High翻天
「可口可樂」新喝法 急凍凝冰玩出新商機
# # #
1. 買到商品後立即打開瓶蓋,大飲一口(因「可口可樂」
結冰後體積會膨 脹,此可避免「可口可樂」溢出瓶外)
2. 蓋上瓶蓋,倒轉產品(讓結冰有一個著力點)
3. 等數秒,冰粒浮現後,即可痛快暢飲
原來是CO2 + 冰點的奧妙】
台北 士林運動中心YMCA側門 台北市士商路1號
台北 西門紅樓左 台北市成都路10號
台北 西門紅樓右 台北市成都路10號
台北 士林夜市126號門急凍凝冰 台北市基河路60號
台北 台北站前地下街8號出口左7 台北市忠孝西路一段50-1號B1
台北 台北站前地下街5號出口廣場5 台北市忠孝西路一段50-1號B1
台北 師範大學文學院左側走道 台北市和平東路一段162號
台北 國立師範大學文學院中走道 台北市和平東路一段162號
台北 南湖高中游泳池1F入口 台北市康寧路三段220號
台北 永權世貿二館-SC右 台北市松廉路3號
台北 永權世貿二館-SC左 台北市松廉路3號
台北 玩具總動員 西門店 台北市武昌街二段53號
台北 獅子林新光商業大樓1F 台北市武昌街二段75號
台北 中山地下街B53 台北市中山捷運站B53號
台北 北台灣技術學院男生宿舍 台北市北投區學園路2號
台北 致理技術學院福利社 台北縣板橋市文化路一段313號
台北 國光客運板橋站2號月台 台北縣板橋市新府路75號
桃園 NOVA中壢店1樓內 桃園縣中壢市中正路389號
桃園 中央大學宵夜街 (葵可利) 桃園縣中壢市五興街416號
桃園 其立兒遊藝場 桃園縣中壢市中正路41、43號
桃園 玩具總動員中壢店 桃園縣中壢市實踐路108號
桃園 開南大學至誠樓 桃園縣蘆竹鄉開南路1號
新竹 新竹教育大學6-樹德樓男舍 新竹市南大路521號
新竹 NOVA新竹-急凍凝冰 新竹市光復路二段200號
新竹 中華科技大學B1 新竹縣橫山鄉中華路200號
新竹 苗栗客運頭份站 苗栗縣中正路206號
新竹 六福村老油井 新竹縣六福村主題樂園
新竹 六福村福記小館 新竹縣六福村主題樂園
新竹 新竹客運新竹站 新竹市民族路16-1號
新竹 中國科技大學涵德樓-急凍凝冰 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號
新竹 中國科大日新樓急凍凝冰 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號
新竹 元培科技大學1─集賢樓1樓 新竹市香山區元培街306號
新竹 元培科技大樓6─光恩樓1樓 新竹市香山區元培街306號
新竹 昀臻大學圖書館2樓 新竹市玄奘路48號
新竹 新竹愛買2號出入口 新竹市光復里公道五路二段469號
台中 中友百貨-10F急凍凝冰 台中市三民路三段167號之1
台中 朝陽科大-設計大樓 台中縣霧峰鄉吉峰東路168號
台中 中山醫學大學大慶分校閱覽室旁 台中市大慶街二段100號
台中 中興大學-綜合大樓前A 台中縣大里市國光路250號
台中 逢甲大學─建築館 台中市文華路100號
台中 NOVA台中店 台中市英才路508號
台中 仁愛眼鏡一中店 台中市一中街
台中 台鐵車站─台中車站C─出口左 台中市建國路172號
彰化 台鐵車站-彰化車站A-出口處 彰化市彰市三民路1號
台南 南方公園-急凍凝冰 台南市中西區中山路125-56號
高雄 高雄應用大學福利社-御膳食品 高雄市三民區建工路415號
高雄 龍族保齡球館-櫃檯旁 高雄市岡山鎮大德二路69號
高雄 新堀江購物中心-傑士強生公司 高雄市新興區文化路88號
高雄 揚明企業-美嘉遊戲場急凍凝冰 高雄市新興區仁智街285號
高雄 高苑大學─土木福利社 高雄市路竹鄉中山路1821號
高雄 高苑大學─機電福利社 高雄市路竹鄉中山路1821號
高雄 中山大學H棟福利社 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70號
屏東 國光客運屏東站 屏東市中山路9之1號
急凍可樂販賣機到店 可樂瞬間變冰沙 |
急凍可樂販賣機到店 可樂瞬間變冰沙 (中央社訊息服務 20100531 14:01:35) 「全家」獨賣急凍可口可樂冰沙! 可口可樂公司2009年於香港上市「可口可樂急凍凝冰」即造成轟動,平均銷量約為一般「可口可樂」自販機的10倍。 「可口可樂」裡面含有許多加壓而成的二氧化碳,因此冰點在零度以下,即使溫度在-2到-7度的「可口可樂」,仍可維持液態。 當瓶蓋扭開時,瓶內壓力減少,原本在液體中的二氧化碳離開可樂,在從液體變成氣體的形態轉換過程中,二氧化碳需要吸收潛熱,讓原本冰點將瞬間提高,「可口可樂」便因此產生瞬間結冰的現象。 「可口可樂急凍凝冰」2010年正式引進來台,全家便利商店搶先與可口可樂合作,陸續將有30家店鋪導入可樂急凍冰販賣機,為CVS獨賣,讓民眾到店直接購買、當場享受可樂瞬間變成冰沙的快感。目前全家便利商店陸續導入急凍販賣機的店舖約30家,分布於北縣市、桃竹、台中縣市。 口味上包含急凍可口可樂(600ML)與急凍雪碧兩款(600ML)。 圖說:可口可樂急凍凝冰/全家提供 訊息來源:秀生活電子商務股份有限公司 |
Case : GolfLogix Measuring the Game
1. How does the xCaddie create value? Is it compelling?
2. What is the market potential for the GolfLogix devices?
3. What are the advantages of going through the golf courses?
Through retail channels?
4. If you could only choose one of the two channels, which would
you choose—courses or retail?
5. Given the option of selling through both channels, what would you do?
John T. Gourville
John T. Gourville
Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr. Professor of Business Administration
Contact | (617) 495-6133 Send E-Mail |
Overview | Biography | Publications & Course Materials | Current Research | Areas of Interest |
Gourville, John T., John A. Quelch, and V. Kasturi Rangan. Problems and Cases in Health Care Marketing - Instructor Manual. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.Gourville, John T., John A. Quelch, and V. Kasturi Rangan. Problems and Cases in Health Care Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.
Published Papers
Bertini, Marco, John Gourville, and E. Ofek. "The Best Way to Name Your Product 2.0." Harvard Business Review 89, no. 5 (May 2011). Abstract
Although there's ample research to guide marketers in naming new products, little of it has addressed follow-on offerings, even though these make up the bulk of new products in many industries. Companies have two basic strategies to choose from. They can stick with a name, often adding a sequential indicator (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3), or they can come up with an entirely new name (Nintendo's Wii). Three questions managers should consider when deciding whether brand-name continuation or brand-name change is the best way to go for their next-generation product.
Gourville, John T., and Dilip Soman. "The Consumer Psychology of Mail-in Rebates." Journal of Product and Brand Management 20, no. 2 (2011). Abstract
Consumers who buy a product intending to use an accompanying mail-in rebate often do not redeem the rebate. To explain this behavior, we argue that consumers use an anchoring and adjustment approach to predicting the likelihood of redeeming a rebate. In keeping with previous research on anchoring and adjustment, for instance, we show that when presented with a desirable product, consumers anchor on scenarios of successful redemption and adjust insufficiently for things that could go wrong in the redemption process. However, we also propose this anchoring and adjustment process is impacted by a consumer's motivation to purchase the rebated product. In particular, we propose the anchor employed will be driven by the valence of a consumer's underlying motivation. Specifically, a consumer that is motivated to purchase the product will anchor on scenarios of successful redemption, while a consumer that is motivated to avoid purchasing will anchor on scenarios of failed redemption. We also propose that the degree of adjustment consumers employ will be driven by their strength of motivation-i.e., the stronger the motivation, the less the adjustment to the motivational anchor. Consequently, mail-in rebates either can serve to enhance or to dampen purchase intention depending on a consumer's underlying motivation. In other words, rebates offer consumers a means to justify a preferred course of action. Across a series of three studies, we show this to be the case.
Bozic, Kevin J., Amanda R. Smith, Sanaz Hariri, Sanjo Adeoye, John T. Gourville, William J. Maloney, Brian Parsley, and Harry E. Rubash. "The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in Orthopaedics." Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, no. 458 (May 2007): 202-219.
Gourville, John T. "Eager Sellers and Stony Buyers: Understanding the Psychology of New-Product Adoption." Harvard Business Review 84, no. 6 (June 2006).
Gourville, John T. "Holding Fast." Harvard Business Review 83, no. 6 (June 2005).
Gourville, John T., and Dilip Soman. "Overchoice and Assortment Type: When and Why Variety Backfires." Marketing Science 24, no. 3 (summer 2005): 382-395.
Gourville, John T., and V. Kasturi Rangan. "Valuing the Cause Marketing Relationship." California Management Review 47, no. 1 (fall 2004): 38-57.
Gourville, John T., and Youngme Moon. "Managing Price Expectations through Product Overlap." Journal of Retailing 80, no. 1 (January 2004): 23-34.
Gourville, John T. "The Effects of Monetary Magnitude and Level of Aggregation on the Temporal Framing of Price." Marketing Letters 14, no. 2 (July 2003): 125-135.
Gourville, John, and Dilip Soman. "Pricing and the Psychology of Consumption." Harvard Business Review 80, no. 9 (September 2002).
Wathieu, Luc, Lyle Brenner, Ziv Carmon, Amitava Chattopadhyay, Aimee Drolet, John T. Gourville, A.V. Muthukrishnan, Nathan Novemsky, Rebecca Ratner, Klaus Wertenbroch, and George Wu. "Consumer Control and Empowerment: A Primer
Gourville, John T., and Dilip Soman. "The Potential Downside of Bundling: How Packaging Services Can Hurt Consumption." Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 42, no. 3 (June 2001): 29-37.
Soman, Dilip, and J. T. Gourville. "Transaction Decoupling: How Price Bundling Affects the Decision to Consume." Journal of Marketing Research 38, no. 1 (February 2001): 30-44.
Gourville, J. T. "The Effect of Implicit versus Explicit Comparisons on Temporal Pricing Claims." Marketing Letters 10, no. 2 (May 1999): 113-124.
Gourville, J. T., and Dilip Soman. "Payment Depreciation: The Behavioral Effects of Temporally Separating Payments from Consumption." Journal of Consumer Research 25 (September 1998): 160-174.
Gourville, J. T. "Pennies-a-Day: The Effect of Temporal Reframing on Transaction Evaluation." Journal of Consumer Research 24, no. 4 (March 1998): 395-408.
Other Papers
Bertini, Marco, John T. Gourville, and Elie Ofek. "The Branding of Next Generation Products." Marketing Science Institute Report Series, No. 07-113, 2007.Gourville, John T., and Dilip Soman. "Extremeness Seeking: When and Why Consumers Prefer the Extremes." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 07-092, 2007.
Gourville, John. "The Curse of Innovation: A Theory of Why Innovative New Products Fail in the Marketplace." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 06-014, 2005.
Gourville, John T., and Jonathan J. Koehler. "Downsizing Price Increases: A Greater Sensitivity to Price Than Quantity in Consumer Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 04-042, 2004.
Teaching and Training Materials
Gourville, John T. "Pricing Simulation: Universal Car Rental." Harvard Business School Publishing, 2008. Cd-rom.HBS Course Materials
Gourville, John T. "Abgenix and the XenoMouse (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 503-046.Elberse, Anita, John T. Gourville, and Das Narayandas. "Angels and Devils: Best Buy's New Customer Approach (A)." Harvard Business School Case 506-007.
Elberse, Anita, John T. Gourville, and Das Narayandas. "Angels and Devils: Best Buy's New Customer Approach (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 506-008.
Gourville, John T., and Marco Bertini. "Barceló Hotels and Resorts (A)." Harvard Business School Case 511-108.
Gourville, John T. "Biopure Corp." Harvard Business School Case 598-150.
Gourville, John T. "BIOPURE Corporation (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 599-094.
Gourville, John T., and Cate Reavis. "Bioriginal Food and Science Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 503-001.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "Boston Beer Company: Light Beer Decision TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 801-144.
Cespedes, Frank V., and John T. Gourville. "Cabot Pharmaceuticals, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 510-030.
Goldberg, Ray A., and John T. Gourville. "Calgene, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 502-041.
Gourville, John T. "Calgene, Inc. (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 504-045.
Gourville, John T., and Kerry Herman. "Cape Wind." Harvard Business School Case 504-055.
Gourville, John T. "Cape Wind (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 506-013.
Gourville, John T. "CardioThoracic Systems (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 503-092.
Riis, Jason, and John T. Gourville. "Exercise on Estimation." Harvard Business School Exercise 509-022.
Gourville, John T. "Fighting AIDS and Pricing Drugs." Harvard Business School Case 502-061.
Gourville, John T. "Four Products (2008): Predicting Diffusion (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 510-113.
Gourville, John T. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2006)." Harvard Business School Case 506-050.
Gourville, John T. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion." Harvard Business School Case 502-045.
Gourville, John T. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2008)." Harvard Business School Case 508-103.
Gourville, John T. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 504-043.
Gourville, John T., Alice Tzou, and David Lane. "The Future of Hybrid Electric Vehicles." Harvard Business School Case 502-025.
Gourville, John T. "Future of Hybrid Electric Vehicles, The (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 504-006.
Gourville, John T., and Professor Jerry N. Conover. "GolfLogix: Measuring the Game of Golf." Harvard Business School Case 503-004.
Gourville, John T. "GolfLogix: Measuring the Game of Golf (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 503-099.
Gourville, John T. "Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A 2011 Update." Harvard Business School Supplement 511-125.
Gourville, John T., and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Imagicast." Harvard Business School Case 502-052.
Gourville, John T., and Marco Bertini. "The London 2012 Olympic Games." Harvard Business School Case 510-039.
Gourville, John T., and Marco Bertini. "The London 2012 Olympic Games (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 511-027.
Narayandas, Das, David E. Bell, Anita Elberse, John T. Gourville, David B. Godes, John A. Quelch, Gail J. McGovern, Luc R. Wathieu, and Marta Wosinska. "Marketing as Competitive Advantage: Fundamentals." Harvard Business School Case Method Teaching CD 509-719.
Gourville, John T. "The Marketing of Innovations Module I: The Risk of Innovation." Harvard Business School Module Note, Instructor Only 506-015.
Gourville, John T. "The Marketing of Innovations Module III: Going to Market." Harvard Business School Module Note, Instructor Only 506-017.
Gourville, John T. "Marketing of Innovations, The: Course Overview Note for Instructors." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 504-078.
Gourville, John T. "The Marketing of Innovations: Module II: The Psychology of Innovations." Harvard Business School Module Note, Instructor Only 506-016.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "MarketSoft TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 801-143.
Gourville, John T. "Medicines Company, The." Harvard Business School Case 502-006.
Gourville, John T. "Medicines Company, The TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 502-076.
Gourville, John T., and Christina Darwall. "Microsoft: Launching the Smart Watch." Harvard Business School Case 504-004.
Gourville, John T. "Microsoft: Launching the Smart Watch (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 506-014.
Gourville, John T., Joseph B. Lassiter III, and Taslim Pirmohamed. "Myteam.com." Harvard Business School Case 503-026.
Rotemberg, Julio J., and John T. Gourville. "New York Life and Immediate Annuities." Harvard Business School Case 510-040.
Rotemberg, Julio J., and John T. Gourville. "New York Life and Immediate Annuities (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 510-094.
Gourville, John T. "Note on Behavioral Pricing." Harvard Business School Note 599-114.
Gourville, John T. "Note on Innovation Diffusion: Rogers' Five Factors." Harvard Business School Note 505-075.
Dolan, Robert J., and John T. Gourville. "Principles of Pricing." Harvard Business School Note 506-021.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "Red Auerbach on Management TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 801-142.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, John T. Gourville, and Nicole Tempest. "Roadside Attractions LLC." Harvard Business School Case 800-015.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "Seeing What's on Red Auerbach's Mind." Harvard Business School Note 804-160.
Gourville, John T., and Joseph B. Lassiter III. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (A)." Harvard Business School Case 500-028.
Gourville, John T. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (B)." Harvard Business School Case 500-045.
Gourville, John T. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (C)." Harvard Business School Case 500-046.
Gourville, John T. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (D)." Harvard Business School Case 500-047.
Gourville, John T. "Steinway & Sons: Buying a Legend (A) - (D) TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 500-104.
Gourville, John T. "Synthes." Harvard Business School Case 502-008.
Gourville, John T. "Synthes (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 503-091.
Shapiro, Benson P., John T. Gourville, and Craig E. Cline. "Ti-Tech (A)." Harvard Business School Case 508-095.
Shapiro, Benson P., and John T. Gourville. "Ti-Tech (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 508-096.
Gourville, John T., and George Wu. "Tweeter etc." Harvard Business School Case 597-028.
Gourville, John T., and George Wu. "Tweeter etc. TN." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 597-082.
Roberts, Michael J., Joseph B. Lassiter III, John T. Gourville, and Sun Ming Wong. "WebSpective Software, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 800-136.
Gourville, John T. "Why Consumers Don't Buy: The Psychology of New Product Adoption." Harvard Business School Note 504-056.
Gourville, John T. "Why Developers Don't Understand Why Consumers Don't Buy." Harvard Business School Note 504-068.
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "Wildfire Communications,Inc. (A) and (B) (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 801-141.
Gourville, John T., and Joseph B. Lassiter III. "ZEFER: Building a Business at Hyperspeed." Harvard Business School Case 500-032.
鴻海科技集團 Foxconn Technology Group | |
上市公司(臺證所:2317, LSE:HHPD,NASDAQ:HNHPF) | |
| 1974年2月20日 |
| |
| 236 |
| 跨國 |
| +886 2 2268-3466 |
| 董事長兼總經理:郭台銘 發言人:丁祈安(董事長特別助理) |
電子業 | |
電子產品 | |
新台幣85,789,318,550元 | |
▲518億美元 (2008 [1]) | |
▲15億美元(2005) | |
▲23億6千萬美元(2008 [1]) | |
550,000 (2008 [1]) | |
http://www.foxconn.com/ |
目錄[隐藏] |
[編輯] 概況
[編輯] 歷史
[編輯] 旗下企業社會問題
[編輯] 2004年鴻海集團與台灣《工商時報》法律糾紛
[編輯] 2010年中國深圳富士康員工墜樓事件
[編輯] 關係事業
[編輯] 外部連結
- Foxconn Technology Group (英文)
- 鴻海科技集團(正體中文)
- 富士康科技集团(簡體中文)
[編輯] 注釋
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 "2008 Global 500: #132 Hon Hai Precision Industry", Fortune , 2008
- ^ 即「Electronic Component Module Move and Service」的縮寫,
宏碁集團 2353
廣達電腦 2382
鴻海科技集團 2317
營業收入(Operating Revenue)-營業費用(Operating Expense)+營業外收入( Non-operating Income)。