2012年5月30日 星期三

2012 Colbie Caillat - The Little Things

2012 Miranda Lambert - Over You

2012 Gary Allan - Best I Ever Had

2012 Jake Owen - Alone With You

2012 Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS PMP PMI HRD HRM 創業百萬小學堂 《創新者的DNA》(The Innovator s DNA,哈佛商學院出版社,2011年出版)描述了一項針對創新型企業的研究;

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS PMP PMI HRD HRM 創業百萬小學堂 《創新者的DNA》(The Innovator s DNA,哈佛商學院出版社,2011年出版)描述了一項針對創新型企業的研究;

創新者的DNA》(The Innovator s DNA,哈佛商學院出版社,2011年出版)






2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 法國米其林(Michelin)評鑑制度共通核心職能 TTQS 觀光餐飲服務業(Tourism and hospitality industry)餐飲、旅館、航空、運輸、旅行業餐飲服務以顧客導向為出發,但當業者都強調體驗、感動、貼心的顧客服務內涵時,服務的鑑別度相當有限。 所以,經營者更應及時且敏銳地感受到顧客在喜好、預算以及價值的變化。《行銷體驗》一書作者柏恩‧史密特所指出,不管是藉由感官、情緒、認知或者是實體、行為,乃至於生活方式,在顧客經驗值上下功夫的競爭,已成為餐飲業在戰略運用不容忽視的關鍵環節。

2012年5月28日 星期一

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS HRD 人力資源 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局北基宜花金馬區就業服務中心 2012「多元就業金旭獎」-計畫執行優良單位選拔活動實施計畫

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局北基宜花金馬區就業服務中心 2012「多元就業金旭獎」-計畫執行優良單位選拔活動實施計畫

行   政院勞工委員會職業訓練局北基宜花金馬區就業服務中心 


壹、  依據
貳、  目的
一、  激勵計畫執行單位之士氣,提升其競爭力,
二、  建立標竿學習對象,促進優良單位成功經驗交流,
     啟發其他單位仿效,   進而達到促進就業之目標。
三、  肯定「多元就業開發方案」進用人員,激勵其工作士氣,表彰其成果與績效,以期獲得社會更高認同與重視,進而提高工作績效,利於「多元就業開發方案」實施與推展。
參、  辦理單位
一、 指導單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局
二、 主辦單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局
三、 承辦單位:社團法人中華民國全國中小企業總會
肆、  任務分工
一、 主辦單位
(一)      擬定實施計畫與督導執行。
(二)      核定評選小組(內、外部委員預計15-20人)。
(三)      核定評選結果並提報職訓局公告「整體績效優良」(社會型及經濟型計畫各1名)、「最佳行銷推廣」(社會型及經濟型計畫各1名)及「最佳促進就業」(社會型及經濟型計畫各1名)、「最佳社會公益」(社會型計畫1名)、「最佳社會經濟發展」(經濟型計畫1名)、「最佳發展潛力」(不限計畫類型1名)與「最佳專案經()理人」(不限計畫類型1名)、「最佳表現進用人員」(不限計畫類型3名)等獎項名單及接受表揚。
二、 承辦單位
(一)      受理報名參選案件。
(二)      各參選單位資料整理及檢查應備文件。
(三)      按核定之評選委員名單敦聘委員。
(四)      辦理評選相關行政事宜。
(五)      併諮詢輔導計畫核銷活動經費。
(六)      其他有關選拔活動之協助事項。
伍、  辦理期程:自本計畫核定實施日至810日止。
陸、  參加機制
  (二)   最佳表現進用人員選拔:由101年度「多元就業開發方案」
     1.   個人曾違反多元就業開發方案民間團體計畫作業手冊
     1.   個人曾違反多元就業開發方案民間團體計畫作業手冊
  (一)優良單位選拔:    .
柒、  辦理方式
一、 選拔委員編組及運作
(一)       遴聘原則:
1. 由職訓局指派之一席公部門代表與本中心成員(含各站站長)及邀請具備「多元就業開發方案」相關專業領域學者專家或具關聯性之企業界或民間團體人士及參與者(績優專案經()理人或進用人員) 15-20人編成(外部評審委員須達二分之一以上),負責評選作業
2.     已參與及擔任諮詢輔導工作或計畫執行單位負責人及主要幹部不得列為聘任對象。
3.     外聘學者專家需達總人數三分之二,其出席會議比例需達總人數二分之一。
(二)       召開選拔委員共識會議,以使選拔委員瞭解本計畫評選項目及指標、選拔作業及相關選拔注意事項等,及建立共識與確保選拔標準一致性。
二、 選拔作業
(一)      初評作業:
1.       書面評審︰由評審委員依據各參選單位於報名時檢附之報名表及相關資料表件(含足以提供證明之相關附件)及主辦單位提供之「出缺勤及其他相關考核紀錄檢核表」,進行書面評選。
2.       簡報評審︰由各參選單位做10分鐘簡報說明,並回答評審委員所提問題
3.       評審委員就書面及簡報審查所見綜合給分。
4.       召開初評會議,分別選出經濟型、社會型計畫各10個執行單位(得彈性增減)進入複評作業。
5.       最佳表現進用人員評選,僅做書面審查,並由評審委員就評審  
(二)      複評作業:
1.       由評選委員4人編成評選分組(外部評審委員3人),赴各入圍計畫執行單位進行實地訪評,全部訪評結束後,召開決選會議。
2.       實地訪評時,除由參選單位再做「前次簡報疑義說明」與必要報告外,仍應再檢查各項實際工作資料與約談內部進用人員及外部顧客。
(三)      決選會議:
1.       依據複評成績評選經濟型單位總成績第一名者推薦為「整體績效優良」獎項,其餘「最佳行銷推廣」、「最佳促進就業」、「最佳社會經濟發展」等獎項,則以複評成績加各對應獎項成績之總和,分別重新排序,並推薦各單項第一名單位為各對應獎項。
2.       依據複評成績評選社會型單位總成績第一名者推薦為「整體績效優良」獎項,其餘「最佳行銷推廣」、「最佳促進就業」、「最佳社會公益」等獎項,則以複評成績加各對應獎項成績之總和,分別重新排序,並推薦各單項第一名單位為各對應獎項。
3.       「最佳發展潛力」獎項,不限計畫類型推薦首次執行「多元就業開發方案」總成績第一名單位獲獎。
4.       「最佳表現進用人員」獎項,以複評成績前3名推薦獲獎。
5.       「最佳專案經(管)理人」獎項,由評審委員依實地訪評所見優良事蹟所做之共識決議,推薦1名獲獎。
6.       各獎項評選成績如不足以成為學習典範,得從缺處理。
三、 評選指標及配分標準: 
(一)  優良單位選拔
1.  優良單位選拔活動係依據現行「多元就業開發方案」計畫類型,區分為「社會型」及「經濟型」評選指標,辦理分開評選作業。
2.  評選指標、配分標準 (如附件)
(1)          專案管理與支持(10%) 。
(2)          經營與行銷(20%)。
(3)          就業促進效益(35%)。
(4)          社會公益(社會經濟)發展成效(30%)。
(5)          特殊績效(5%)。
3.  選拔作業評分原則:
(1)  任一執行單位評選給分在90()以上以及70()以下者,應敘明具體理由。
(2)  評選結果相同時,處理方式如下:
u 「整體績效優良」獎項:
l 先檢視原始分數,經選拔委員討論後決議。
l 若原始分數相同,以評選指標「參、就業促進效益」進行比較,討論後決議。
l 若仍有異議者,由各選拔委員提出說明與討論,經出席委員過半數同意後決議。
u 「最佳發展潛力」獎項:
l 先檢視原始分數,經選拔委員討論後決議。
l 若原始分數相同,以評選指標「貳、經營與行銷」進行比較,討論後決議。
l 若仍有異議者,由各選拔委員提出說明與討論,經出席委員過半數同意後決議
u 最佳行銷推廣」等單一獎項
l 先檢視原始分數,經選拔委員討論後決議。
l 若原始分數相同,以依各獎項之主要評選指標進行比較,討論後決議(例如:「最佳行銷推廣」獎,以貳、「行銷推廣成效」評選指標分數進行比較)
l 若仍有異議者,由各選拔委員提出說明與討論,經出席委員過半數同意後決議。
(二)     最佳表現進用人員選拔參考標準:
1.       參與計畫執行成效優異者。
2.       對工作內容,能主動積極規劃、革新創造,著有成效者。
3.       對計畫執行單位交付之重要工作,能克服困難,圓
4.       熱心服務,不辭辛勞,能主動解決困難,有具體事蹟者。
5.       其他在工作、品德等方面有具體特殊事蹟,足為表率者。
(三)     最佳專案經()理人選拔參考標準:
1.       參與計畫執行績效優異者。
2.       對計畫執行方向具熟稔度、創新,著有成效者。
3.       與利害關係人的關係發展良好者。
4.       具體運用社會資源或其他有效扶植計畫營運,著有成效者。
5.       對計畫執行策略、遠景具分析及操作,     
四、  獎勵機制
捌、  本計畫所需經費由本中心101年度多元就業開發方案諮詢輔導計畫
玖、  本計畫奉核後實施。

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 左記歐洲美國台灣百年商行 共通核心職能 TTQS 因應101年度新版TTQS訓練評核系統指標修訂,於中華民國101年5月9日行政院勞工委員會勞職能字第1010508030號令重新修正規範要點

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 左記歐洲美國台灣百年商行 共通核心職能 TTQS 因應101年度新版TTQS訓練評核系統指標修訂,於中華民國101年5月9日行政院勞工委員會勞職能字第1010508030號令重新修正規範要點

二、本要點所定訓練品質規範,以訓練品質評核系統(Taiwan TrainQuali System,以下簡稱TTQS)作為評核工具。


2012年5月27日 星期日


2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 左記歐洲美國台灣百年商行共通核心職能 TTQS 哈佛個案討論 SUCCEED THROUGH SERVICE You can't be a legend without a great story The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company

2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 哈佛個案討論 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company


Our Succeed through Service program, in partnership with America’s Promise Alliance, is focused on helping children better prepare for college, work and life. At Ritz-Carlton properties across the U.S. and around the world, our employees are mentoring young students in necessary life skills and engaging them in service-learning and career exploration.
Our employees are inspiring the children to embrace concepts, such as teamwork and environmental responsibility, and introducing them to necessary life-skills, such as social skills & etiquette. Partnered in service-learning projects to benefit the local community, together they are tackling challenging issues including hunger and homelessness, child literacy and environmental conservation.
“We thank you so much because you’re not only investing in kids, you are investing in the future of our country and the other countries where you are located – and you’re investing in the future of Ritz-Carlton.”
General Colin Powell
Founding Chairman, America’s Promise Alliance

You can't be a legend without a great story.

100 years of history. Countless rewards. 

With an unshakeable

credo and corporate philosophy of 

un-wavering commitment to service, 

both in our hotels and in our communities

The Ritz-Carlton has been recognized with 

numerous awards for being the gold standard of hospitality.

Gold Standards

Our Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. They encompass the values and philosophy by which we operate and include:

The Credo

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission.
We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambience.
The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.


At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., "We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen." This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members.

Three Steps Of Service

  1. A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guest's name.
  2. Anticipation and fulfillment of each guest's needs.
  3. Fond farewell. Give a warm good-bye and use the guest's name.

Service Values: I Am Proud To Be Ritz-Carlton

  1. I build strong relationships and create Ritz-Carlton guests for life.
  2. I am always responsive to the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.
  3. I am empowered to create unique, memorable and personal experiences for our guests.
  4. I understand my role in achieving the Key Success Factors, embracing Community Footprints and creating The Ritz-Carlton Mystique.
  5. I continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve The Ritz-Carlton experience.
  6. I own and immediately resolve guest problems.
  7. I create a work environment of teamwork and lateral service so that the needs of our guests and each other are met.
  8. I have the opportunity to continuously learn and grow.
  9. I am involved in the planning of the work that affects me.
  10. I am proud of my professional appearance, language and behavior.
  11. I protect the privacy and security of our guests, my fellow employees and the company's confidential information and assets.
  12. I am responsible for uncompromising levels of cleanliness and creating a safe and accident-free environment.

The 6th Diamond

Emotional Engagement

The Employee Promise

At The Ritz-Carlton, 
our Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests.
By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company.
The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton Mystique is strengthened.

Take a moment to learn more about the latest news from The Ritz-Carlton by reading our latest press releases.

"Talent Meet Respect": Working with The Ritz-Carlton is unlike any other employment experience you have ever had. Our employees, called Ladies and Gentlemen, each have a unique ability to provide legendary service to our guests, members and residents. Our culture is one of mutual respect. We treat each other the same way we treat our guests and provide an array of benefits to all of our ladies and gentlemen with a team that feels more like a family. Take a moment to meet our ladies and gentlemen and learn more about what makes our culture so special. You might be joining us for the first time or looking for the next step in your Ritz-Carlton career. Either way, discover a place where you are recognized for believing in yourself. 

Important Notes About Our Selection Process

The Ritz-Carlton is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture.

If you would like to apply for a position and need an accommodation to complete the electronic employment application, please call our Application Accommodation Line at 301-581-1400 to request an accommodation. You will be prompted to leave a message and a member of our Human Resources team will return your call within one business day. Please note this line is only for an accommodation to allow you to apply for a job. Calls for any other reason will not be returned.

In the United States, Ritz-Carlton locations participate in the Electronic Employer Verification Program as required by law. Please take a moment to read this important information for the 

job seeker.

At The Ritz-Carlton, we have a promise to our employees that echoes around the world. With locations in over 40 countries, the success stories are as unique as you are. Success might be growing and developing in one location or experiencing different cultures by working in multiple countries. Either way, we foster a work environment where your individual aspirations are fulfilled.
Read our Success Stories:
Roll your mouse over a country to see the values that make our ladies and gentlemen so successful. Click on each value and scroll down to see the story in English and the country's primary language.


Lea la historia en español
Luis, The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel
Growing up in Columbia, Luis dreamt of one day exploring the world. Although he only spoke very little English, after high school decided to travel to the United States and start a new life. He settled in Wisconsin working as a janitor in a ski resort. Soon Luis moved to join family members in Pennsylvania. When looking for a job, he came upon The Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia. He was hired a Dishwasher, but had grand aspirations. He moved from stewarding, to In-Room Dining and a year later, was named Five Star Employee of the Year. Shortly thereafter another promotion followed as a Server Attendant position in the fine dining restaurant.
The self-proclaimed “King of Lateral Service” loved assisting his peers. And in five years from the moment he found The Ritz-Carlton, Luis was promoted to Food and Beverage Manager. His aspirations had come true. Five years before Luis could barely speak English, and now he was a manager. His career only blossomed from there, and now Luis is the Director of Restaurants for The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel.
“Working for this company is really about the people you encounter on a daily basis. It is the people that you inspire everyday to learn more, do more, and become more,” says Luis.
Confidence Meet Recognition. Meet The Ritz-Carlton.