2021年3月12日 星期五

2021 03 13 左永安顧問 2021 09 17 (五) 2021 世界葡萄酒暨烈酒貿易推廣會 World Wine & Liquor Promotion 2021(SEP 17) 2021 台灣世界葡萄酒暨烈酒 類TWSA Taiwan Wine & Spirit Awards 2021 盲酒選大賽 加拿大伊莎貝拉河畔酒莊 Isabella Winery亨信股份有限公司 Trustwell Connaisseurs Limited 預定2個攤位 養天正生技食品股份有限公司 四款酒參加比賽 預定2個攤位 加拿大伊莎貝拉河畔酒莊 Isabella Winery 預定2個攤位 鼎級企業股份有限公司 Diingiyi Enterprise Co., Ltd. 預定2個攤位 金悦國際酒業股份有限公司 Global Spirituous Distribution Co., Ltd. 預留2個攤位 VQA葡萄酒上的標籤會告訴你關於葡萄酒瓶內的部分。VQA是為關於原產地,葡萄品種含量和年份的標籤聲明以及其他內容(如酒精含量的準確性)設定了標準。每個標籤都必須經過審核,以確保與瓶中葡萄酒相符資訊,並符合VQA標準的規範。





• 葡萄酒必須由100%安大略省種植的新鮮葡萄製成 - 不允許使用濃縮物 – 所使用的葡萄必須符合每個品種的品質標準(通過成熟葡萄中的天然糖含量來衡量)

• 在釀酒過程中不能添加水

• 標籤必須真實,準確地代表瓶中的葡萄酒

• 除氣泡葡萄酒外,所有葡萄酒必須原始天然,符合年份要求

• 所有成品葡萄酒均由專家品嘗小組和實驗室分析進行評估,並且必須在發佈前達到品質標準



確保標籤資訊準確是VQA Ontario的關鍵責任。

在標籤上可尋找到原產地聲明 – 之所以稱為VQA - 所有VQA葡萄酒都必須被證明是真正的產區葡萄酒,才可顯示VQA標記。受管制的產區條款,禁止使用不符合條件的葡萄酒。


~by VQA Ontario~

VQA Wine Standards
Every VQA wine meets the following standard:
• Wine must be made from 100% fresh Ontario grown grapes — no concentrates are
permitted - Grapes used must meet a quality standard for each variety (measured by
natural sugar content in the ripe grapes)
• No water can be added in the winemaking process
• Labels must be truthful and accurately represent the wine in the bottle
• All wines except for sparkling wines must be vintage dated and meet vintage
• All finished wines are evaluated by an expert taste panel and a laboratory analysis
and must meet minimum quality standards before release
In addition, regulations establish detailed standards for specific claims of origin and for each individual style and type of wine. Wine-making standards are described in full in regulations made under the VQA Act.
Label Integrity
Making sure label information is accurate is a critical part of VQA Ontario’s responsibility.
Always look for the statement of origin on the label – VQA appellation name VQA – all VQA wines must show these markings if they are certified to be true appellation wines. Wines that do not qualify are prohibited from using regulated appellation terms.
The label on a VQA wine can tell you a lot about what is in the bottle. VQA sets standards for label claims about origin, grape variety content, and vintage along with other things such as the accuracy of alcohol content. Every label is reviewed to ensure it matches the wine in the bottle and is compliant with VQA standards.
~By VQA Ontario~