2020年1月14日 星期二

2020 01 14 左永安顧問 祖克伯也將把心力放在如何管理臉書這類大型數位平台。 祖克伯指出他的大女兒陳明宇(Maxima,中文名)2030年時將順利升上中學。陳明宇於2015年12月時出生 區塊鍊 工業4.0 AI 人工智慧 大數據 哈佛個案 精準訓練 職能基準 職能導向課程 左記歐洲商行 安永經營管理顧問集團 台北左府(無極)鳳清道德宮 中華網紅協會 台大 台師大 EMBA 共通核心職能 專案管理 TTQS ICAP PMP WINE 社團法人中華中小企業經營輔導專家協會 2020年新年伊始,有鑒於臉書未來十年要面對的挑戰眾多,祖克伯希望未來能將重心放在「長期焦點」。放眼長遠發展 祖克伯不再設新年目標 「有別於年復一年的挑戰,我嘗試釐清,到了2030年時,我希望世界與我的生活將是何種樣貌,好讓我聚焦於相關事務上頭。」

作者 黃 嬿 | 發布日期 2020 年 01 月 13 日 14:02 分類 科技生活
Facebook 創辦人祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)為了顯示自己有多認真,從 2009 年開始就推行個人年度目標,如每天都繫領帶、學習普通話,到隔週閱讀一本新書,一直到去年目標是舉辦一系列有關科技社會的討論。他的年度計畫確實影響了很多人,在年輕人之間帶動一股目標導向的風潮,但今年,他終於決定不制定年度目標,而是長期反思。
祖克柏貼文表示,對於 2020 年,他已經決定完全不設定年度目標。他說,「我沒有面對逐年挑戰,而是想著我希望 2030 年世界和我的生活會怎樣,​​以便我可以確保專注於這些事情。」
私人與小團體訊息傳遞是 Facebook 增長最快的線上交流領域。祖克柏希望未來十年內,公司今天正在研究的擴增實境和虛擬實境技術將得到高度發展,讓人們可能會覺得自己和其他人在一起,即使他們實際上相距遙遠。
他說,「今天,許多人覺得他們必須搬到城市,因為那是工作的地方……想像一下,如果你可以住在自己選擇的任何地方,並在其他任何地方都能找到任何工作。我們現在努力打造的東西如果順利交付,就能讓生活在 2030 年能更加接近這樣的願景。」
祖克柏還將思考如何管理像 Facebook 這樣的大型數位平台,以及政府應如何規範網路的言論自由、隱私和資料使用情況。Facebook 多年來一直飽受與此類問題有關的醜聞影響。
其他重點關注領域還包括繼續透過他們夫妻共同經營的非營利機構 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 針對治癒疾病進行投資,以及整合訊息傳遞平台 WhatsApp、Instagram 和 Messenger,改善私人互動方式的計畫。
鄭勝得 、綜合外電



Every new year of the last decade I set a personal challenge. My goal was to grow in new ways outside my day-to-day work running Facebook. These led me to learn Mandarin, code an AI assistant for my home, read more books, run a lot more, learn to hunt and cook, and get more comfortable with public speaking.
When I started these challenges, my life was almost all about building the Facebook website. (It was mostly a website at the time.) Now there's so much more to learn from. At Facebook, we're building lots of different apps and technology -- ranging from a new private social platform to augmented and virtual reality -- and we're handling a lot more social responsibility. And outside Facebook, I'm a father now and I love spending time with my family, working on our philanthropy, and improving at the sports and hobbies I've picked up over the years. So while I'm glad I did annual challenges over the last decade, it's time to do something different.
This decade I'm going to take a longer term focus. Rather than having year-to-year challenges, I've tried to think about what I hope the world and my life will look in 2030 so I can make sure I'm focusing on those things. By then, if things go well, my daughter Max will be in high school, we'll have the technology to feel truly present with another person no matter where they are, and scientific research will have helped cure and prevent enough diseases to extend our average life expectancy by another 2.5 years. Here are some of the things that I think will be important in the next decade:
Generational Change
When I started Facebook, one of the reasons I cared about giving people a voice was that I thought it would empower my generation -- which I felt had important things to say and weren't being listened to enough. It turned out it wasn't just my generation that felt marginalized and needed more voice though, and these tools have given power to lots of different groups across society. I'm glad more people have voice, but it hasn't yet brought about the generational change in addressing important issues I had hoped for. I think that will happen this decade.
Today, many important institutions in our society still aren't doing enough to address the issues younger generations face -- from climate change to runaway costs of education, housing and healthcare. But as millennials and more members of younger generations can vote, I expect this to start changing rapidly. By the end of this decade, I expect more institutions will be run by millennials and more policies will be set to address these problems with longer term outlooks.
In many ways, Facebook is a millennial company with the issues of this generation in mind. At the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, our focus is on very long term efforts that will primarily help our children's generation, like investing in curing, preventing and managing all diseases in our children's lifetimes, or making primary education more personalized to students needs. Over the next decade, we'll focus more on funding and giving a platform to younger entrepreneurs, scientists, and leaders to enable these changes.
A New Private Social Platform
The internet gave us the superpower of being able to connect with anyone, anywhere. This is incredibly empowering and means that our relationships and opportunities are no longer confined to just where we live. We're now part of a community with billions of people in it -- with all the dynamism, culture and economic opportunity that brings.
But being part of such a large community creates its own challenges and makes us crave intimacy. When I grew up in a small town, it was easy to have a niche and sense of purpose. But with billions of people, it's harder to find your unique role. For the next decade, some of the most important social infrastructure will help us reconstruct all kinds of smaller communities to give us that sense of intimacy again.
This is one of the areas of innovation I'm most excited about. Our digital social environments will feel very different over the next 5+ years, re-emphasizing private interactions and helping us build the smaller communities we all need in our lives.
Decentralizing Opportunity
In the last decade, the fastest growth in the economy has been in the tech industry. In the next decade, I expect technology will continue to create opportunity, but more through enabling all of the other parts of the economy to make better use of technology and grow even faster.
The area we're most focused on is helping small businesses. Across our services, more than 140 million small businesses already reach customers -- mostly for free. Today this takes the form of an entrepreneur setting up an account on Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, and then either communicating with people for free or buying ads to get their message out more broadly. Over the next decade, we hope to build the commerce and payments tools so that every small business has easy access to the same technology that previously only big companies have had.
If we can make it so anyone can sell products through a storefront on Instagram, message and support their customers through Messenger, or send money home to another country instantly and at low cost through WhatsApp -- that will go a long way towards creating more opportunity around the world. At the end of the day, a strong and stable economy comes from people succeeding broadly, and the best way to do that is to make it so small businesses can effectively become technology companies.
The Next Computing Platform
The technology platform of the 2010s was the mobile phone. The platform of the 2000s before that was about the web, and the 1990s was the desktop computer. Each computing platform becomes more ubiquitously accessible and natural for us to interact with. While I expect phones to still be our primary devices through most of this decade, at some point in the 2020s, we will get breakthrough augmented reality glasses that will redefine our relationship with technology.
Augmented and virtual reality are about delivering a sense of presence -- the feeling that you're right there with another person or in another place. Instead of having devices that take us away from the people around us, the next platform will help us be more present with each other and will help the technology get out of the way. Even though some of the early devices seem clunky, I think these will be the most human and social technology platforms anyone has built yet.
The ability to be "present" anywhere will also help us address some of the biggest social issues of our day -- like ballooning housing costs and inequality of opportunity by geography. Today, many people feel like they have to move to cities because that's where the jobs are. But there isn't enough housing in many cities, so housing costs are skyrocketing while quality of living is decreasing. Imagine if you could live anywhere you chose and access any job anywhere else. If we deliver on what we're building, this should be much closer to reality by 2030.
New Forms of Governance
One of the big questions for the next decade is: how should we govern the large new digital communities that the internet has enabled? Platforms like Facebook have to make tradeoffs on social values we all hold dear -- like between free expression and safety, or between privacy and law enforcement, or between creating open systems and locking down data and access. It's rare that there's ever a clear "right" answer, and in many cases it's as important that the decisions are made in a way that feels legitimate to the community. From this perspective, I don't think private companies should be making so many important decisions that touch on fundamental democratic values.
One way to address this is through regulation. As long as our governments are seen as legitimate, rules established through a democratic process could add more legitimacy and trust than rules defined by companies alone. There are a number of areas where I believe governments establishing clearer rules would be helpful, including around elections, harmful content, privacy, and data portability. I've called for new regulation in these areas and over the next decade I hope we get clearer rules for the internet.
Another and perhaps even better way to address this is by establishing new ways for communities to govern themselves. An example of independent governance is the Oversight Board we're creating. Soon you'll be able to appeal content decisions you disagree with to an independent board that will have the final decision in whether something is allowed. This decade, I hope to use my position to establish more community governance and more institutions like this. If this is successful, it could be a model for other online communities in the future.
We've got a lot to do this decade and there's a lot to learn to help make this all happen. I hope your new year and new decade are off to a good start. Here's to a great 2020s.
